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Article Explaining the necessity of taqlid for People who Do not Have the Expertise to perform ijithad

فصل) في بيان وجوب التقليد لمن ليس له أهلية الإجتهاد)

يجب عند جمهور العلماء المحققين على كل من ليس له أهلية الإجتهاد
المطلق, وإن كان قد حصل بعض العلوم المعتبرة في الإجتهاد تقليد قول المجتهدين والأخذ بفتواهم ليخرج عن عهدة التكليف بتقليد أيهم شاء لقوله تعالى: {فاسألوا أهل الذكر إن كنتم لا تعلمون},
فأوجب السؤال على من لم يعلم ذلك, وذلك تقليد لعالم, وهو عام لكل المخاطبين,

According to scholarly view, every person who does not have the expertise to arrive at the level of ability as an absolute mujtahid, although he has been able to master some branch of science that is required in doing ijtihad, then it is obligatory for him to follow (taqlid) on one of the priests qaul mujtahid and take their fatwa so that he can go out and be liberated from the bonds of the load (taklif) which requires them to follow anyone he wants from one mujtahid imam. As revealed by Allah, the Exalted: "So ask you all to the scientist if you all do not know."

God requires asking for people who do not know. Now ask that embodies the attitude of taqlid someone to the pious. God's Word is true in general for all the groups that dikhithabi (target object command).

ويجب أن يكون عاما في السؤال عن كل ما لا يعلم للإجماع على أن العامة لم تزل في زمن الصحابة والتابعين وكل حدوث المخالفين يستفتون المجتهدين ويتبعونهم في الأحكام الشرعية والعلماء, فإنهم يبادرون إلى إجابة سؤالهم من غير إشارة إلى ذكر الدليل, ولا ينهونهم عن ذلك من غير نكير, فكان إجماعا على اتباع العامي للمجتهد,

In general also, the word of God requires us to ask and question everything we do not know, in accordance with the agreement / consensus jumhurul 'ulama. Because the real identity of people who lay it certainly existed since time friend generation, tabi'in and up to the time thereafter. They are obliged to ask for a fatwa to the mujtahids and follow their fatwas in laws and implementing Shariah scholars in accordance with the instructions.

For indeed the mujtahid and scholars hasten to answer their questions without giving isyarah to said proposition. The mujtahid and scholars not forbid the layman ask fatwa without any denial. Conditions sedemikianlah who then agreed to the obligation for the layman to follow the opinion of a mujtahid.

ولأن فهم العامي من الكتاب والسنة ساقط عن حيز الإعتبار, إن لم يوافق أفهام علماء أهل الحق الأكابر الأخيار

And the layman it does not have the ability and authority to understand the Book and Sunnah and understanding of course it is not acceptable if it does not fit with the understanding of the great scholars of Ahl-ul-haq and elected.

فإن كل مبتدع وضال يفهم أحكامه الباطلة من الكتاب والسنة ويأخذ منهما والحال أنه لا يغني من الحق شيئا.

Because the real people who are experts heresy and heretic, they understand the laws in falsehood of the Book and the Sunnah. In fact whatever taken by heretical can not be held down as the truth.

ولا يجب على العامي إلتزام مذهب في كل حادثة, ولو التزم مذهبا معينا كمذهب الشافعي رحمه الله تعالى لا يجب عليه الإستمرار, بل يجوز له الإنتقال إلى غير مذهبه.

For the layman is not required to remain consistently follow the schools alone in addressing any new issues that arise. Although he has set out to follow a particular madhhab of Imam Shafi'i as madzhabnya rahimahullaahu, he does not always have to follow these schools. Even allowed him to move to schools other than the Shafi'i madhhab.

والعامي الذي لم يكن له نظر واستدلال ولم يقرأ كتابا في فروع المذهب إذا قال: أنا شافعي, لم يعتبر هذا كذلك بمجرد القول,

A layman who does not have the ability to perform assessments danistidlal problem (do a search source proposition) or does not have the ability to read an existing kitabpun as a reference in schools, then he said that I was bermadzhab Shafi, then such a statement was is not valid as a recognition when just a mere utterance.

وقيل: إذا التزم العامي مذهبا معينا يلزمه الإستمرار عليه لأنه إعتقد أن المذهب الذي انتسب إليه هو الحق, فعليه الوفاء بموجب اعتقاده. وللمقلد تقليد غير إمامه في حادثة, فله أن يقلد إماما في صلاة الظهر مثلا ويقلد إماما آخر في صلاة العصر.

But according to an opinion of other states that when a layman it consistently follow a particular madhhab then wajiblah him to establish schools of their choice. Because it's obviously a layman believes that schools that he chose is the right schools. Then the consequences should he receive is required to run what is the provision of schools which he believed.

For someone who taqlid be followed in addition to his priests in a matter arising him. For example, he taqlid at one priest in the midday prayers, and he taqlid and follow other priests in carrying out the 'Asr prayer.

والتقليد بعد العمل جائز, فلو صلى شافعي ظن صحة صلاته على مذهبه ثم تبين بطلانها في مذهبه وصحتها على مذهب غيره فله تقليده ويكتفي بتلك الصلاة.

So taqlid after completion of doing a charity or worship is allowed. To understand this it can be described a problem: "If a man bermadzhab Shafi prayers and he assumed the validity of prayer madzhabnya point of view, it became clear that his prayer is invalid according to the schools that was followed and valid if in the opinion of others, then may direct him taqlid on other schools that endorse prayer. Thus it is quite fulfilled the obligations of prayer. "

Article Explaining Khitthah Doctrine Explaining Salaf Salih and Desired "As-Sawadul A'dzam" in this era and Explains the Importance of Sticking to One of the Four Madzhab

(فصل) في بيان خطة السلف الصالح, وبيان المراد بالسواد الأعظم
في هذا الحين, وبيان أهمية الإعتماد بأحد المذاهب الأربعة

إذا فهمت ما ذكر علمت أن الحق مع السلفيين الذين كانوا على خطة السلف الصالح, فإنهم السواد الأعظم, وهم الموافقون علماء الحرمين
الشريفين وعلماء الأزهر الشريف الذين هم قدوة رهط أهل الحق وفيهم علماء لا يمكن استقصاء جميعهم من انتشارهم في الأقطار والآفاق كما لا يمكن إحصاء نجوم السماء.

With the above understanding, it is known that the real truth that pure Salafiyyin favor of the older generation which is based on khitthah Salaf Salih. They are as-Sawadul A'dzam. They agreed conceptions of religion established by scholars Syarifain Haramain (Mecca and Medina) and the scholars of al-Azhar noble. All of which is to be a role model Ahlul Haq group. There are many scholars who can not count how many, because of the spread of their domicile in various areas, as it can not be the stars in the sky.

وقد قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: {إن الله تعالى لا يجمع أمتي على ضلالة, ويد الله على الجماعة, من شذ شذ إلى النار} رواه الترمذي. زاد ابن ماجه: {فإذا وقع الإختلاف فعليك بالسواد الأعظم} مع الحق وأهله. وفي الجامع الصغير: {إن الله تعالى قد أجار أمتي أن تجتمع على ضلالة}

Prophet. said: "Verily Allah will not raise above my people astray. And Yad God on al-Jama'ah. "(HR. At-Tirmidhi). Ibn Majah add (history): "So if there is a dispute, hold on as-Sawadul A'dzam namely al-Haq and Ahl-ul-Haq."

In the book al-Jami 'al-Sagheer stated: "Allah save my people from the agreed upon deeds astray."

وأكثرهم أهل المذاهب الأربعة, فكان الإمام البخاري شافعيا, أخذ عن الحميدي والزعفراني والكرابيسي. وكذلك ابن خزيمة والنسائي.
وكان الإمام الجنيد ثوريا, والشبلي مالكيا, والمحاسبي شافعيا, والجريري حنفيا, والجيلاني حنبليا, والشاذلي مالكيا.

The majority of them are followers of al-Madzahib al-Arba'ah (the four schools). Imam Bukhari was bermadzhab Shafi. He took from Imam Humaidi, az -Za'farani and Karabi'isi. Similarly, Imam Ibn Khuzaymah and Al-Nasa'i.

Imam Junaid is a follower of Imam Thaury, Shibli was a follower of Imam Maliki, Imam Shafi'i madhhab Muhasibi are followers of Imam al-Jariry are followers of Imam Abu Hanifa (Hanafi), Shaykh Abdul Qadir al-Jilani bermadzhab Hanbal and Imam Abu al-Hasan ash-Shadhili followers of Maliki.

فالتقيد بمذهب معين أجمع للحقيقة, وأقرب للتبصر, وأدعى للتحقيق, وأسهل تناولا. وعلى هذا درج الأسلاف الصالحون, والشيوخ الماضون رضوان الله تعالى عليهم أجمعين.

So by following a certain schools will be able to focus on the truth value haqiqi, more able to understand in depth and will make it easier to implement the practice. By determining the selection of the schools this means that he has taken any road which is also pursued by salafunas righteous. Hopefully the good pleasure of Allah terlimpahcurahkan on them all.

فنحن نحض إخواننا عوام المسلمين أن يتقوا الله حق تقاته, وأن لا يموتوا إلا وهم مسلمون, وأن يصلحوا ذات البين منهم, وأن يصلو الأرحام, وأن يحسنوا إلى الجيران والأقارب والإخوان, وأن يعرفوا حق الأكابر, وأن يرحموا الضعفاء والأصاغر وننهاهم عن التدابر والتباغض والتقاطع والتحاسد والإفتراق والتلون في الدين,

We appeal to our comrades, a layman of the majority of the Muslims to always fear God with truth piety. And always hope that does not leave this mortal world except as Muslims.

And in order to reconcile with those who quarrel between them, glue kinship, act and behave well towards all neighbors, relatives and all my friends, can understand and implement the rights leaders, be polite and compassion towards the dhu'afa and circles grassroots.

We tried to prevent them from any form of hostility, hate-hate each other, disconnecting, hasut-inciting, sectarianism and forming new sects that boxing religion.

ونحثهم أن يكونوا إخوانا, وعلى الخير أعوانا, وأن يعتصموا بحبل الله جميعا, وأن لا يتفرقوا, وأن يتبعوا الكتاب والسنة وما كان عليه علماء الأمة كالإمام أبي حنيفة ومالك بن أنس والشافعي وأحمد بن حنبل رضي الله تعالى عنهم أجمعين, فهم الذين قد انعقد الإجماع على امتناع الخروج عن مذاهبهم,

We call on them all to come together, friendship, mutual help in goodness, adhere to the religion of Allah solid and avoid divisions. Should exist based on the al-Kitab and Sunnah, and what are the guiding role of the scholars such as Imam Abu Hanifa people, Imam Malik bin Anas, Imam Shafi'i and Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal radhiyallaahu 'anhum. Ijma 'sets a curfew of their schools in Islam.

وأن يعرضوا عما أحدث من الجمعية المخالفة لما عليه الأسلاف الصالحون, فقد قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: {من شذ شذ إلى النار},

They should also turn away from all forms of new organizations that are contrary to the basic principles established by the Salaf Salih. Prophet.: "Whoever broke away (from the majority) then it will separate in hell."

وأن يكونوا مع الجماعة التي على طريقة الأسلاف الصالحين, فقد قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: {وأنا آمركم بخمس أمرني الله بهن: السمع والطاعة والجهاد والهجرة والجماعة, فإن من فارق الجماعة قيد شبر, فقد خلع ربقة الإسلام من عنقه}, وقال عمر بن الخطاب رضي الله عنه: {عليكم بالجماعة, وإياكم والفرقة, فإن الشيطان مع الواحد وهو مع الاثنين أبعد. ومن أراد بحبوبة الجنة فليلزم الجماعة}.

For that they should remain consistent holding al-Jama'ah 'ala Thariqah as-Salaf al-Righteous. Prophet. said: "I command you all to carry out the five things, which God has commanded it to me, that is willing to listen, obey and be ready for jihad, do migrate and join in the frame of al-Jama'ah. Surely someone who is separated from the congregation, although only an inch, then indeed he has untied the rope from her neck become Muslim. "

Sayyidina Umar ibn Khatthab Ra. said: "Berpegangteguhlah you all on al-Jama'ah. Avoid yourself from any kind of split. Because the real devil when accompanying you alone, then it is very easy to conquer than when he accompanies two allied. Whoever intends and wants to get the pleasure of living in paradise then stay together al-Jama'ah. "

Article Explains Java Residents Sticking to Ahlusunnah wal Jama'ah Madzhab and Early emergence and spread of heresy in Java and Miscellaneous Experts heresy in this Period

(فَصْلٌ) فِيْ بَيَانِ تَمَسُّكِ أَهْلِ جَاوَى بِمَذْهَبِ أَهْلِ السُّنَّةِ وَالْجَمَاعَةِ، وَبَيَانِ ابْتِدَاءِ ظُهُوْرِ الْبِدَعِ وَانْتِشَارِهَا فِيْ أَرْضِ جَاوَى، وَبَيَانِ أَنْوَاعِ الْمُبْتَدِعِيْنَ فِيْ هَذَا الزَّمَانِ

قَدْ كَانَ مُسْلِمُوا الْأَقْطَارِ الْجَاوِيَةِ فِي الْأَزْمَانِ السَّالِفَةِ الْخَالِيَةِ مُتَّفِقِي الْآرَاءِ وَالْمَذْهَبِ وَمُتَّحِدِي الْمَأْخَذِ وَالْمَشْرَبِ، فَكُلُّهُمْ فِي الْفِقْهِ عَلَى الْمَذْهَبِ النَّفِيْسِ مَذْهَبِ الْإِمَامِ مُحَمَّدِ بْنِ إِدْرِيْسَ، وَفِيْ أُصُوْلِ الدِّيْنِ عَلَى مَذْهَبِ الْإِمَامِ أَبِي الْحَسَنِ الْأَشَعَرِيِّ، وَفِي التَّصَوُّفِ عَلَى مَذْهَبِ الْإِمَامِ الْغَزَالِيِّ وَالْإِمَامِ أَبِي الْحَسَنِ الشَّاذِلِيِّ رَضِيَ اللهُ عَنْهُمْ أَجْمَعِيْنَ

Muslims who inhabit Java since time immemorial has been agreed and united in religious views. In the field of jurisprudence, they adhered to the Shafi'i madhhab, in Ushuluddin adhering to the schools of Abu al-Hasan al-Ash'ari, and in tasawwuf adhering to the schools of Abu Hamid al-Ghazali and Abu al-Hasan ash-Shadhili, may Allah be pleased with them all.

ثُمَّ إِنَّهُ حَدَثَ فِيْ عَامِ اَلْفٍ وَثَلَاثِمِائَةٍ وَثَلَاثِيْنَ أَحْزَابٌ مُتَنَوِّعَةٌ وَآرَاءٌ مُتَدَافِعَةٌ وَأَقْوَالٌ مُتَضَارِبَةٌ، وَرِجَالٌ مُتَجَاذِبَةٌ، فَمِنْهُمْ سَلَفِيُّوْنَ قَائِمُوْنَ عَلَى مَا عَلَيْهِ أَسْلَافُهُمْ مِنَ التَّمَذْهُبِ بِالْمَذْهَبِ الْمُعَيَّنِ وَالتَّمَسُّكِ بِالْكُتُبِ الْمُعْتَبَرَةِ الْمُتَدَاوِلَةِ، وَمَحَبَّةِ أَهْلِ الْبَيْتِ وَالْأَوْلِيَاءِ وَالصَّالِحِيْنَ، وَالتَّبَرُّكِ بِهِمْ أَحْيَاءً وَأَمْوَاتًا،
وَزِيَارَةِ الْقُبُوْرِ وَتَلْقِيْنِ الْمَيِّتِ وَالصَّدَقَةِ عَنْهُ وَاعْتِقَادِ الشَّفَاعَةِ وَنَفْعِ الدُّعَاءِ وَالتَّوَسُّلِ وَغَيْرِ ذَلِكَ.

Later in the year 1330 H arise various conflicting opinions, issues and conflicts scattered among the leaders. Among them there were affiliated with groups that adhere to the tradition Salafiyyin leaders predecessor. They bermadzhab to one particular schools and cling mu'tabar books, love of Ahlul Bait Prophets, saints and pious people. It also tabarruk with them well while still alive or after death, grave pilgrimage, mentalqin deceased, alms for the deceased, believing intercession, prayer and tawassul benefits and so forth

وَمِنْهُمْ فِرْقَةٌ يَتَّبِعُوْنَ رَأْيَ مُحَمَّدْ عَبْدُهْ وَرَشِيدْ رِضَا ، وَيَأْخُذُوْنَ مِنْ بِدْعَةِ مُحَمَّدِ بْنِ عَبْدِ الْوَهَّابِ النَّجْدِيْ ، وَأَحْمَدَ بْنِ تَيْمِيَّةَ وَتِلْمِيْذَيْهِ ابْنِ الْقَيِّمِ وَعَبْدِ الْهَادِيْ

Among them (sect that emerged in the range of 1330 AH), there are also groups that follow the thinking of Muhammad Abduh and Rashid Rida. They implement the teachings of Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab heresy an-Najdi, Ahmad ibn Taymiyyah and his second, Abdul Hadi and  IbnulQoyyim.

فحرموا ما أجمع المسلمون على ندبه, وهو السفر لزيارة قبر رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم, وخالفوهم فيما ذكر وغيره

They forbid the things that have been agreed upon by the Muslims as a kesunnahan, namely traveling for religious visit to the grave of the Prophet. and disagree in other agreements.

قال ابن تيمية في فتاويه: وإذا سافر لاعتقاد أنها أي زيارة قبر النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم طاعة, كان ذلك محرما بإجماع المسلمين, فصار التحريم من الأمر المقطوع به

Ibn Taymiyyah stated in his Fatawa: "If one believes that traveling to visit the grave of the Prophet. as a form of obedience, then the act is haraam with agreed upon by Muslims. Then the prohibition includes cases which had to be abandoned. "

قال العلامة الشيخ محمد بخيت الحنفي المطيعي في رسالته المسماة تطهير الفؤاد من دنس الإعتقاد: وهذا الفريق قد ابتلي المسلمون بكثير منهم سلفا وخلفا, فكانوا وصمة وثلمة في المسلمين وعضوا فاسدا

'Allamah Shaykh Muhammad Al-Bakhit al-Hanafi al-Muth'i expressed in his kitab
Thathhir al-Fuad al-I'tiqad min Danas (Cleaning Heart of Dirt belief) that: "This group really be an ordeal for Muslims, both Salaf and khalaf. They are a thorn in the flesh (the enemy in a blanket) which only undermines the integrity of Islam. "

يجب قطعه حتى لا يعدى الباقي, فهو كالمجذوم يجب الفرار منهم, فإنهم فريق يلعبون بدينهم يذمون العلماء سلفا وخلفا

Then it must take off / away (deployment) their teachings so that others are not infected. They like people with leprosy who should be shunned. They are a group that plays with their religion. Can only insult the clergy, both the Salaf and Khalaf.

ويقولون: إنهم غير معصومين فلا ينبغي تقليدهم, لا فرق في ذلك بين
الأحياء والأموات يطعنون عليهم ويلقون الشبهات,
ويذرونها في عيون بصائر الضعفاء, لتعمى أبصارهم عن عيوب هؤلاء

They stated: "The scholars are not the ones who freed from sin, it is not feasible to follow them, both living and dead."

They spread (view / assumption) is the fools that can not detect their ignorance.

ويقصدون بذلك إلقاء العداوة والبغضاء, بحلولهم الجو ويسعون في الأرض فسادا, يقولون على الله الكذب وهم يعلمون, يزعمون أنهم قائمون بالأمر بالمعروف والنهي عن المنكر, حاضون الناس على اتباع الشرع واجتناب البدع, والله يشهد إنهم لكاذبون.

The intent of this propaganda is the emergence of hostility and chaos. With mastery of network technology, they make mischief in the land. They spread lies about God, when they realize the lie. Considers himself perform enjoining and forbidding the evil, the people bothering to invite to follow the teachings of the Shari'a and avoid heresy. Though Allah is Knowing, that they lied.

SUMMARY AHLUSSUNNAH WAL JAMA'AH Works HADHRATUS Shaykh KH. M. Hashim Ash'ari (1287 H-1366 H)

Praise be to God, as an expression of gratitude for all His grace. Ta'dzim grace and hopefully terlimpahcurahkan greetings to our master the Prophet Muhammad. and the rest of his family.

What will be present in this book, I tuturkan several things, among others: The hadiths about the people who died, signs of the Hour, an explanation of the sunnah and hadith heresy and some that contain religious advice.

Allah, the One of the Most Venerable kutengadahkan palms, kuberdoa wholeheartedly, I invoked that this book provides benefits to ourselves and fools such as us. Hopefully God made us as a charitable deeds Liwajhillahil Karim, because he was the one Essence of the Merciful, the Compassionate, the Merciful. With all the help of Allah the One who is worshiped, the preparation of this book begins.

Lafadz Sunnah to read dhammah his sin and accompanied by Shadda, as told by Imam al-Baqa 'in the book Kulliyat its etymology is tariqa (path), though that is not blessed.

According to the terminology of Personality 'as-Sunnah is tariqa (path) which approves the cover of religion, as that has been taken by the Prophet. or in addition to him, those who have the authority as an example in the matter of religion as the companions of Ra.

It is based on the words of the Prophet .: "Keep you to hold fast to my Sunnah and the Sunnah four caliphs after me."

Meanwhile, according to the terminology of 'urf is what consistently held down by a figure who became a role model, whether he is a prophet or guardian. The term as-Sunnimerupakan attribution form of lafadz Sunnah by removing ta 'for attribution.
Heresy as stated by Shaykh Zaruq in the book ' ‘Iddat al-Murid under the terms of Personality' is: "Creating a new court case in religion as if it were part of religious affairs, when in fact it is not, either at the level of discourse, depiction or in essence. "

It is based on the words of the Prophet .: "Whoever created a new case in my business, but not part of it, then it is rejected."

And the words of the Prophet .: "And all forms of new cases is heresy."
The scholars rahimahullaah describes the essence of the meaning of the hadith above two returned to change a law to establish something that was not a worship but is believed to be the conception of worship. So not all forms of renewal of a general nature. Because sometimes it could be a new case was based on the basics of Shariah in origin so that it becomes part of the Shari'ah itself, or based furu'us syyari'ah so that it can be analogous to the shari'ah.

وَقَالَ الْعَلَّامَةُ مُحَمَّدٌ وَلِيُّ الدِّيْنِ  اَلشِّبْثِيْرِيُّ فِيْ شَرْحِ الْأَرْبَعِيْنَ النَّوَوِيَّةِ عَلَى قَوْلِهِ صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ : مَنْ أَحْدَثَ حَدَثًا اَوْ آوَى مُحْدِثًا فَعَلَيْهِ لَعْنَةُ اللهِ
Muhammad Al-'Allamah Syibtsiri Waliyuddin ash-Sharh al-Arba'in in late-Nawawiyyah leave a comment on a hadith of the Prophet .: "Whoever create new problems or protect someone who makes renewal, then against him the curse of Allah."

وَدَخَلَ فِي الْحَدِيْثِ اَلْعُقُوْدُ الْفَاسِدَةُ, وَالْحُكْمُ مَعَ الْجَهْلِ وَالْجَوْرِ وَنَحْوُ ذَلِكَ مِمَّا لَا يُوَافِقُ الشَّرْعَ. وَخَرَجَ عَنْهُ مَا لَا يَخْرُجُ عَنْ دَلِيْلِ الشَّرْعِ كَالْمَسَائِلِ الْاِجْتِهَادِيَّةِ الَّتِيْ لَيْسَ بَيْنَهَا وَبَيْنَ اَدِلَّتِهَا رَابِطٌ اِلَّا ظَنُّ الْمُجْتَهِدِ وَكِتَابَةِ الْمُصْحَفِ وَتَحْرِيْرِ الْمَذَاهِبِ وَكُتُبِ النَّحْوِ وَالْحِسَابِ .

Sign in terms of the interpretation of the hadith is that the various forms of contract-contract fasidah, menghukumi with ignorance and injustice, and others from various forms of deviation from the provisions of Personality '.

Out of frame understanding of this hadith that everything that does not come out of the arguments of Personality ', especially with regard to issues ijtihadiyah where no strict correlation between these problems with their arguments except to the extent conjecture mujtahid. And like writing manuscripts, to crystallize the opinions priests schools, preparing the book nahwu and arithmetic.

وَلِذَا قَسَّمَ ابْنُ عَبْدِ السَّلَامِ اَلْحَوَادِثَ اِلَى الْأَحْكَامِ الْخَمْسَةِ  فَقَالَ : اَلْبِدْعَةُ فِعْلُ مَالَمْ يُعْهَدْ فِيْ عَصْرِ رَسُوْلِ اللهِ  صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ وَاجِبَةً كَتَعَلُّمِ النَّحْوِ وَغَرِيْبِ الْكِتَابِ وَالسُّنَّةِ مِمَّا يُتَوَقَّفُ فَهْمُ الشَّرِيْعَةِ عَلَيْهِ, وَمُحَرَّمَةً كَمَذْهَبِ الْقَدَرِيَّةِ وَالْجَبَرِيَّةِ وَالْمُجَسِّمَةِ, وَمَنْدُوْبَةً كَإِحْدَاثِ الرُّبُطِ وَالْمَدَارِسِ وَكُلِّ إِحْسَانٍ لَمْ يُعْهَدْ فِي الْعَصْرِ الْأَوَّلِ, وَمَكْرُوْهَةً كَزُخْرُفَةِ الْمَسَاجِدِ وَتَزْوِيْقِ الْمَصَاحِفِ, وَمُبَاحَةً كَالْمُصَافَحَةِ عَقِبَ صَلَاةِ الصُّبْحِ وَالْعَصْرِ وَالتَّوَسُّعِ فِي الْمَأْكَلِ وَالْمَشْرَبِ وَالْمَلْبَسِ وَغَيْرِ ذَلِكَ .

That is why Imam Ibn Salam Abdis divide cases that new laws into the five. He said:

"Heresy is doing something that has never known (occur) during the Prophet. (The Heresy sometimes):
1. Heresy borrowed: like studying nahwu and learn lafadz-Gharib lafadz that both contained in the Qur'an or Sunnah, where the understanding of Shari'ah be deferred to the extent one can understand its meaning.
2. Heresy Muharramah: like flow Qadariyah, Jabariyah and Mujassimah.
3. Heresy Mandubah: like a boarding school education system update and madrassas, as well as all forms of goodness that was not known at the time the first generation of Islam.
4. Heresy Makruhah: as exaggerated decorate mosques, decorate Manuscripts and so forth.
5. Heresy Mubahah: like shaking hands Fajr and Asr prayers finished, make more in food and beverages, clothing and so forth. "

فَإِذَا عَرَفْتَ مَا ذُكِرَ تَعْلَمُ اَنَّ مَا قِيْلَ : إِنَّهُ بِدْعَةٌ, كَاتِّخَاذِ السُّبْحَةِ, وَالتَّلَفُّظِ بِالنِّيَّةِ, وَالتَّهْلِيْلِ عِنْدَ التَّصَدُّقِ عَنِ الْمَيِّتِ مَعَ عَدَمِ الْمَانِعِ عَنْهُ, وَزِيَارَةِ الْقُبُوْرِ وَنَحْوِ ذَلِكَ لَيْسَ بِبِدْعَةٍ

Once we know what has been told in advance it is known that the presence of the following claims that this is heresy, like wearing a rosary, saying the intention, reading the Prophet when the charity after death with no record of any case that prevents for the charity, visited the tomb and other -Other, then all of which is not a heresy.

وَإِنَّ مَا أُحْدِثَ مِنْ أَخْذِ أَمْوَالِ النَّاسِ بِالْأَسْوَاقِ اللَّيْلِيَّةِ, وَاللَّعِبِ بِالْكُوْرَةِ وَغَيْرَ ذَلِكَ مِنْ شَرِّ الْبِدَعِ

And indeed new judge actions as humans income derived from markets night, playing the lottery show wrestling and others are included at worst heresy


Yesterday when opening the inbox, one friend asked me, "Why do that ahead of Ramadan many people to the funeral? What are you doing?"
I'm the short answer, "Send prayer".
Maybe it could be crossed with further questions at the heart of our companions said, "emangnya nyampe shipment prayer to the dead? Just what she knew what would we go?"
In one of the book (the book) that discuss this, a book entitled "Ar-Ruh", the author, Ibn al-Jawziyya Qoyyim reveal much proof that the person who has died to know if diziarahi and said hello when greeted. A hadith of the Prophet explained: "If someone made a pilgrimage to the grave of his brother, and sit close to the tomb of his brother, the brother who had died it would feel calm and answered his greeting, until the last person standing left the funeral".
Even on the following pages Ibn Qoyyim explain many opinions at once the proposition that actions and the actions of those who still live broadcast live to relatives who have died; if they look good deeds of his family, they will be excited and happy.
Hmm, okay, now? Is the spirits of people who had died were also meet and visit?
Ibn Qoyyim classify spirit into two:
- Spirit of the tortured
- Spirit who wallow favors
Tortured souls, is preoccupied by her ordeal so did not get to see each other or visit. While the spirit which gained the favor, in a free state so that it can not be arrested anywhere to visit each other, discuss their past even while living in the world.
Then, if the spirits of the deceased can be met with the living?
Said Ibn Qoyyim, can, through the mediation of the dream world while living person is sleeping, talking, talk about anything, even about what happens in the world, and this is very much about the story we hear. One of them was in the days of the Prophet, experienced by his friends.
Told, two companions of the Prophet intimates that mutual friends, Auf bin Malik and Sha'b bin Jutsamah, both make a deal, if one of them died first, then if you can, who died should come in the dream is still alive.
Some time later Sha'b died, and he came to dream Auf, Auf had seen in the dream and the two began talking.
"What have you experienced there?" Ask Auf.
"Forgiven for my sins, thank God," said Sha'b. Only Auf see black spots on the neck Sha'b.
"What is this?" Ask Auf.
"Oh, it's because my debt to a Jew, 10 dinars, yet I pay, please pay, the money is in a box in my house, his place in the corner." Sha'b said.
"Auf, I tell you, all the family news after me, entirely up to me, even our cat that had just died a few days ago," continued Sha'b closed the meeting.
Afterwards Auf awoke with awe, and immediately rushed to a friend's house to prove whether the dream is true. Arriving at the friend's house, it was what was said in the dream was true. Money 10 Dinar is also found in a box in the corner of the house, and by Auf taken to be paid on the last Jew.
However Auf asked was what really Sha'b Jews owed him 10 dinars and have not been paid? Jews had been confirmed if Sha'b owed him.
Afterwards Auf back home Sha'b, and ask Sha'b wife, whether there is something in this house? Sha'b wife replied, did not happen anything, except a cat that died a few days ago.
Believe it or not, back to friends. And I personally also have a similar story. After my grandfather died, about a few months later he came to dream Babaku, informing him that the bathroom door hinges broken, prompting immediate fix so that the door can not be separated override his grandchildren.
When awake, baba still consider it an ordinary dream, and baba to the bathroom as usual, and when you open the door, turns the hinge regardless real. After the door was immediately addressed babaku.
Okay, now, what may award the reward of charity to those who have died?
Why not? Hajj on behalf of the deceased (Hajj Badal) can, which means that the reward of course for men. Similarly other charities such as prayer, fasting, pilgrimage, reading Quran, almsgiving, and prayer, everything can premises intention of doing deeds were to be awarded in the spirit of the dead, and reward it up to them with the permission of Allah as a valuable parcel. About this also described in detail and at length with the arguments saheeh by Ibn Qoyyim earlier in his book, "Ar-Ruh".
Problem soul is full of mystery, just a little to our knowledge of the essence of all living beings. Most of the spirit from the other side I've also said in one of my books, "Soul Station"

(Yas-alunaka anir ruh, qul-ir ruh min amri Robbi, wa maa utitum minal ilmi illa qolila)

They ask you about the spirit, saying that the soul is a matter of my Lord, and you are not given knowledge of it except a little.


Ahlussunnah wal Jama'ah is an accumulation of religious thought in various fields produced the scholars to address the issues that arise at certain times. Therefore, the process of formation of wal Jama'ah Ahl as an ideology or schools need a long period of time. As is known, fiqh or tasawwuf is formed not in the future, but emerge gradually and in a different time.

Schools is a method of understanding the religious teachings. Within Islam there are several kinds of schools, including schools of politics, such as the Kharijites, Shi'ites, and Ahlus Sunnah; madhhab kalam, the most important example is the Mu'tazilah, Ash'arite and Maturidiyyah; and schools of jurisprudence, ie the main thing is Malikiyah, Syafi'yah, Hanafiyah, and Hanbaleeyyah, bias is also coupled with the Shiites, Zhahiriyah and Ibadiyah (Al-Mausu'ah Al-Arabiyah Al-Muyassarah, 1965: 97).

The term Ahl wal Jama'ah consists of three words, "Ahlun", "Sunnah", and "Al-Jama'ah". All three belong together, not separate us something.

a. Meaning of words Ahlun

In the book of Al-fil-Lughah Munjid wal knows best, the word "Ahi" has two meanings, that is, besides the meaning of family and relatives, "Ahi" can also mean flow adherent or follower schools. If it is associated with the flow or schools as contained in the Al-Qamus Al-Muhith.

As the Qur'an itself, there are at least three meanings of "Ahl":
• First; "Ahl" means family, as represented the word of God QS. Hud verse 45: "My Lord, Behold my son Including family." Also in the QS. Thahaa verse 132: "And enjoin prayer on your family establish and be patient in doing it."
• Second; "Ahi", meaning the population, as in the word of God QS. Al-Araf verse 96: "If the people of the towns Had faith and fear, surely We will bestow on them the blessings of heaven and earth, but they belied (the verses of Us) it, so We seized them for their deeds."
• Third; "Ahl" means a person who has something disciplines; (Expert History, Chemists). As Allah says QS. An-Nahl verse 43: "Then ask the person who has the knowledge (ie, those who have knowledge of the Prophet and books) if you do not know."

b. Meaning of word Sunnah

According to Abul-Baqa 'in the book Kulliyat, in the language, "Sunnah" means the road, even if it is not the preferred way. Another meaning, Ath-Thariqah, Al-Hadith, As-Sirah, At-Tabi'ah and ash-Shariah. Namely, road or a system or method or preferred tradition and lived in religion, as practiced Prophet, good word, deed, or desire recognition and his ideals.

So in this case Sunnah is divided into 3 or 4 kinds. The First; Sunnah Al-qauliyah, the Sunnah of the Prophet in the form of words or words that come out of the oral Prophet. Both Sunnah Al-Fi'liyyah, the Sunnah of the Prophet in the form of the act or the work of the Prophet. Third; Sunnah At-Taqriryah, ie, all the words and deeds of the Companions of the Prophet heard and known, then silence as a sign he agreed. Furthermore, Sunnah also includes deeds, fatwas and traditions of the companions of the Prophet (Atsarus Shahabah). And that all four of them; Sunnah Al-Hammiyah, the Prophet desire to do a practice but not to carry it out he had died, as sunnah fasting 10 Muharram.

c. Meaning of words Jama'ah

According to Al-Munjid dictionary, the word "Al-Jama'ah" means everything that is composed of three or more. In Al-Mu'jam Al-Wasith, "Al-Jama'ah" is a group of people who have a goal. The notion of "Al-Jama'ah" in the Shari'ah is the majority in the Islamic group.

From the definition etimoligis above, then the meaning of wal Jama'ah Ahlussunnah in the history of Islam is the largest group of Muslims who follow the Islamic understanding of the system, both in monotheism and jurisprudence with emphasis on the Qur'an and the Hadith than reasonable proposition. It was as stated in the sunnah of the Messenger of Allah and the Sunnah (atsar) Khulafa'urrasyidin ra. The term Ahl wal Jama'ah in many ways is similar to the term Ahlussunnah wal wal Jama'ah Atsar, Ahlul Hadeeth Wassunnah, Wal-Ashhab Ahl al-Hadith, Ahl Wal Istiqamah, and Ahlul-Haqq Wassunnah.

To strengthen the things above are some traditions that can be expressed for example, in the book Faidhul Qadir chapters II and IV juz kitabSunan Abi Daud, Sunan Tirmidhi book chapters V, the book Sunan Ibn Majahjuz II and in the book of Al-Milal wa Nihal juz I , sequentially in the text of these books, as follows:

From Anas said, Rasululah Allah said, "Verily, my people will not agree in error, then when you see the dissent then you follow the highest class."

"Whoever who live among you after wafatku then he will see a lot of disputes, then you should hold on to my Sunnah and the Sunnah Khulafaurrasyidin receiving guidance, hold my Sunnah and the Sunnah Khulafaurrasyidin with strong and nibble with molars."

"Indeed, the Children of Israel split into 72 groups and my Ummah will split into 73 groups, all go to hell, but one group, they (Companions) asked: Who is the one group that O Messenger of Allah? He replied; "They were with me and my friends."

From friends A'uf ra said: The Messenger of Allah said, "For the sake of my soul in the hands of his, actually my Ummah will split into 73 groups, one in heaven and 72 classes to hell," asked, who's in heaven O Messenger of Allah? He said, "the majority group (the congregation)."

And what is meant by the majority group are those that conform with the Sunnah of the Companions.

Messenger of Allah said, "Will broke my Ummah will be 73 classes, which survived one group, and the rest destroyed." Asked who survived O Messenger of Allah? He replied, "Ahl wal Jama'ah." Asked again who Ahlussunnah wal Jama'ah? He replied, "Group who follow my Sunnah and the Sunnah Khulafaurrasyidin."

2. The establishment of the History of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU)

Both mental underdevelopment, as well as experienced by the Indonesian economy as a result of colonization and due to the confines of tradition, arouse the consciousness of the educated to fight for the dignity of the nation, through the education and organization. Movement that emerged in 1908 is known as the National Awakening. The spirit of revival is continue to spread everywhere after the indigenous people aware of the suffering and catch up with other nations, as the answer comes various educational organizations and liberation.

The boarding school which has been persistent against colonialism, responded by forming the National Awakening movement organizations, such as Nahdlatul Wathan (Rise of the country) in 1916. Then in 1918 established Taswirul Afkar or also known as Nahdlatul Fikri (Awakening Thought), as a vehicle for social education the political and religious students. From there, he went didiririkanNahdlatut Tujjar (The Merchant of movement). States were used as the basis to improve the people's economy. With the Nahdlatut Tujjar it, then Taswirul Afkar addition to appearing as a study group is also the educational institution that is growing very rapidly and has branches in several cities.

When King Ibn Saud want to apply the single principle that the Wahabi sect in Makkah, and to destroy all the remnants of the history of Islam and pre-Islamic, which has been widely diziarahi because it was considered heresy. The idea of ​​the Wahhabi gets a warm welcome from the modernists in Indonesia, both among Muhammadiyah under Muhammad Dahlan, and PSII under the leadership of HOS. Tjokroaminoto. Instead, the boarding school which has been defending the religious refuse bermadzhab restrictions and the destruction of the civilization heritage.

Different attitude, pesantren removed from Congressman Al-Islam in Yokyakarta 1925, the boarding school as a result have not been included as a delegate in Congress Alam Islami (Islamic Congress International) in Makkah which will validate the decision.

Driven by the passion to create freedom bermadzhab persistent and concerned with the preservation of the heritage of civilization, then the boarding school was forced to make his own delegation called the Hejaz Committee, which is chaired by KH. Wahab Hasbullah.

At the urging of the pesantren were collected in the hejaz, and challenges from all corners of the Muslims in the world, King Ibn Saud mungurungkan intentions. The results to date in Makkah conducted worship freely in accordance with their respective schools. That is the first international role, the successful fight for freedom bermadzhab and managed to save the relics of history and civilization are very valuable.

Departing from committees and organizations that are embryonic and ad hoc, then after it is necessary to establish an organization that is more encompassing and more systematic, to anticipate the times. So after coordinating with the scholars, finally emerged agreement to form an organization called the Nahdlatul Ulama (Ulama Awakening) on ​​16 Rajab 1344 AH (January 13, 1926). The organization is led by KH. Hasyim Ashari as Rais Akbar.

To affirm the basic principles of this organization, the KH. Hasyim Ashari formulate Book of Human Qanun (Principles), then also formulate Kitab wal Jama'ah I'tiqad Ahlussunnah. Both books are then embodied in Khiththah NU, which form the basis and reference NU members to think and act in social, religious and political (to develop other businesses that benefit society).

3. Religious Understanding Nahdlatul Ulama (NU)

Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) adopts Ahlussunnah wal Jama'ah, a mindset that takes a middle ground between the extremes aqli (rationalist) with the extreme naqli (scripturalist). Because it is a source of ideas for NU not only the Qur'an and Sunnah, but also uses augmented reality capabilities empirical sense. Such a way of thinking referenced from earlier thinkers, such as Abu Hasan al-'Asy'ari danAbu Mansoor Al-Maturidi in theology. Then in the field of jurisprudence follows the four schools; Hanafi, Maliki, Shafi'i and Hanbali. While in the field of tasawwuf, develop methods of Al-Ghazali and Junaid al-Baghdadi, which integrates between tasawwuf with Shari'ah.

The idea of ​​returning to khiththah in 1926, is an important moment to reinterpret the teachings of Ahl wal Jama'ah, and redefined methods of thought, both in the field of jurisprudence and social. And redefined the relationship NU with the state. The movement managed to revive the passion of thought and social dynamics within NU.

4. The purpose of the Organization of Nahdlatul Ulam (NU)

Uphold the teachings of Islam wal Jama'ah Ahlussunnah notion, in the midst of people's lives, in the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI).

Organization of Business:
1. In the field of religion, carry out propaganda Islamiyah and increase the sense of brotherhood that is grounded in the spirit of unity in diversity.
2. In the field of education, education in accordance with Islamic values, to form a pious Muslim, virtuous and knowledgeable.
3. In the field of socio-cultural, to promote the welfare of the people and the culture that corresponds to the value to Islamization and humanity.
4. In the economic field, seeking equal opportunity to enjoy the fruits of development, with emphasis on the economic development of the people.

5. Affirm the Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) As Institutions All Ulamaan

Clerical issue resurfaced surface after Yemeni cleric Habib Umar bin Habib bin Sheikh Abu Bakr and and Rais Syuriah NU KH. Ma'ruf Amin insisted on the social responsibility of the scholars. Both scholars indicated the existence of irregularities role of the clergy that resulted in a moral aberration, so forget about the social responsibility that should they entailed as a mentor and protector of the people, especially as exemplary in moral midwife. Various disasters that arise, either natural or social nature, eventually recognized as a humanitarian disaster caused by human activity.

As is often said that today's humans including its scholars tend Hubbud Dunya (world love / material) so forget about moral responsibility and social responsibility, so that the people running without guidance. If it deviates, the scholars could not warned, because some are also involved in the irregularities, the damage becomes evenly without any authority that is able to stop it.

Critics of the scholars will inevitably lead to the Nahdlatul Ulama, because in addition to an organization as the scholars, in which there are indeed many of the scholars. After all the criticism should be dismissed by the NU.

When NU reduced to a social organization, the mission of spiritual moral being charge of the neglected social movements, thus anyone can be recruited into the organization's board even without having the qualifications or adequate clerical levels. Not all administrators need to scholars, but practitioners, activists need to understand and appreciate the clerical duties which is a prophetic task (prophetic). That means that the organization does not only work, but struggling, serve and even worship.

The difficulty of regeneration in the NU lead to the recruitment of cadres to walk carelessly, many people who do not know and understand about NU and missions carried struggle, but used as a caretaker. Such groups when entering NU often neglect their duties as functionaries NU, thus losing the sense of dedication, passion militancy and organization, and finally a lot of obstacles in the face of transnational militant Islamic movement and the persistent radical exert influence in the community. NU top priority today is to strengthen the sense of devotion, commitment to NU's mainly clerical commitment.

6. Sincerity Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) in the Muslim brotherhood

Muslim brotherhood is a must for the Muslims who want unity and brotherhood. It is often manipulated. KH. Wahab Hasbullah ever remind adanyaUkhuwah coachman horse. One group became his charioteer, while other Islamic groups used as horse riding. Muslim brotherhood is often done when in desperate condition, and afterwards they apply the principle Musahaqah (competition) that without knowing each other even deny ethics.

Events that are often experienced by NU is how tenacious defense of the oppressed minority Islamic groups such as Shiite, but after being helped even biting creed and NU assets, so that in some places had been tension. Similarly Wahhabi groups that are currently involved fierce hostility to Shiite groups, suddenly closer to NU as Sunni Islamic groups, but so far NU considered heretical stream, so its presence is always teased and diharu-blue.

However NU is not happy with the Islamic belief that always harass people by distributing brochures, propaganda and guerrilla kepintu door. But for the sake of the unity of Islam, NU still trying to peace with the group. This was done because there is a large agenda that is more important to be achieved, namely the Islamic movement to unite the world.

Brotherhood must be based on sincerity, because there is equality of values, ideals of equality, and brotherhood that will run on a lasting basis of mutual trust, mutual respect and love. While ukhuwah manipulative based solely on short-term interests, which interests when interest has been achieved, then ukhuwah dumped. Love turned into a diatribe, togetherness becomes a threat, sincerity into hatred and so on. That's where the conflict between flow and return repeated schools either in the form of the Latin as the tension up in the form of an open conflict.

7. Support Base Nahdlatul Ulama (NU)

The number of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) or support base is estimated to reach more than 40 million people, from different profesi.Sebagian of them commoners, both in cities and in villages. They have a high cohesiveness as socioeconomic have the same problem, besides that they also have a very animates the spirit and teachings of Ahl wal Jama'ah. In general they have a strong enough bond with the Islamic world which is the center of people's education and cultural heritage NU.

NU's support base is shifting, in line with the development and progress of industrialization. NU members in the village of many who migrated to the city. So today in labor and industrial sector is dominant, coupled with the opening of the education system, the intellectual base in NU also expanding, in line with the rapid social mobility that occurred during this

8. Assertiveness Nahdlatul Ulama (NU)

Since the first NU organization known as a moderate and tolerant. However, that does not mean not have an attitude. In the face of a matter of principle, NU always act decisively even without compromise. See how attitudes aimed umun NU Chairman KH. Hasyim against double standards of Western countries on the question of Iran muklir. NU considers that the ban is a violation of the rights of the Iranian people to develop their own technology. If they want to be fair all countries should develop nuclear technology in the form of nuclear weapons.

Attitudes and actions like this are taken NU is not passivity, but active steps exhausting and risky despised by many parties. However, in order to maintain the balance of national life and international political situation, then it must act decisively NU good against Islam or western group that manjalankan extremism and violence and injustice. NU did not hate the west or hate fellow Islamic understanding and thinking different, but NU strive for justice and peace.

Therefore, NU strongly denounced those who use religion to inflame the conflict, when it is clear that the purpose of conflict is often just to dredge economic interests by a multi-national corporation that is operating. Unfortunately religion should be used as a media pengobar well as victims of conflict.

Therefore NU reminiscent of the religion and the Muslims all over the world in order to always maintain harmony in order not to be provoked by efforts to provoke inter-religious and inter-sects in Islam, which would only weaken the strength and unity of the Islamic ummah.

Story Lessons In Life Prophet, healers miss The Lovers Lovers of God

Each story of the Prophet's life is full of lessons that can be applied in everyday life. For every problem we face the Prophet had given the answer.

In this book presented a variety of stories that occur in the life of the Prophet Muhammad stories that touch the heart. Each story is presented can be a guide for anyone who imitate the king Muhammad.

Type Paper Book Paper
Author Habib bin Mohammed Alaydrus Noval
Size 14 x 21 cm