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Keeping Yourself And Family of Hellfire

Let us always repeat the words of gratitude to God for His blessings that have tercurahkan to us all that physical and mental health is still graced us. Hopefully gratitude we say this, become more key opening the doors of His bounty. Subhannahu Allah wa Ta'ala says:
"If you are grateful, then will we add you and if you deny it, it's actually very painful siksaanKu". (Ibrahim: 7)
We also warn the pilgrims and the self in order to always keep the faith, so entrenched and firmly in the depths of the heart. Because that's the essential capital to meet eternal life, so that the days we'll be happy.
Ikhwani fiddin rahimakumullah.
A Muslim should make the village hereafter as the main target is to be achieved. Not putting the world and gemerlapannya in his heart of hearts, but just being in his hand, as a stepping stone to achieve lasting favors Jannah. So, let us not just sit back just waiting for the passage of time, let alone be fooled by the illusion of the world.
Subhannahu Allah wa Ta'ala says, which means:
"Know that the life of the world is but play and amusement, pomp and glorify oneself between you and the pride-pride of riches and children, like the rain that plants are amazing farmers; then plant it becomes dry and you see the color yellow then be destroyed. And hereafter (later) no hard torment and forgiveness from Allah and His good pleasure. And the life of this world is nothing but a deceptive pleasures. "(Al-Hadid: 20)
Ibn Kathir said (briefly): "Allah Almighty make permisalan Subhannahu world as ephemeral beauty and delights that will go away. That is like a plant that splashed rain after a long drought, so grows the plants are amazing farmers, like the wonder unbelievers in the world, but it was not long before the plants are yellowing, and finally dried and crushed ".
This example suggests that the world will be destroyed and the hereafter will replace it, then God also warned about and advocate for doing good. In the afterlife, there are only two choices: a place filled with torment and pain, and full occupancy forgiveness and pleasure of Allah for His servants. This verse concludes with the assertion about the nature of the world that would deceive people are impressed and amazed him.
The main topic of this we emphasize the importance of education of children who belong to one element of the family, so he survived the world and the hereafter. Children of parents is a delightful marriage of fruit. Behind it, the child is the mandate imposed on parents. Should not be wasted and at underestimate. Implementing the mandate should maintain good condition to prevent damage deposit. For future parents will be asked about his responsibility.
Prophet sal-Allaahu alaihi wasalam said:
كلكم راع وكلكم مسؤول عن رعيته
"Each of you is a leader, and will be asked about its responsibilities." (Saheeh hadith, narrated by Ahmad, al-Bukhari, Muslim, At-Tirmidhi and, from Ibn Umar)
Children born in a state of nature. The obligation of parents to take care so as not to deviate from the straight path, and survived the fire of hell. In addition, a righteous son would be a capital investment for both parents.
Subhannahu Allah wa Ta'ala says, which means:
"O ye who believe, guard yourselves and your families from a Fire whose fuel is men and stones from, guardian angel rough, hard, again do not disobey Allah in what He commanded them and always do what they're told" . (At-Tahrim: 6)
Ali Radhiallaahu anhu menafsiri says in this verse: "Educate and teach them". Adh-Dhahak and Muqatil said: "Mandatory upon a Muslim to educate families such as relatives, the slave woman and her male slave on the commands and prohibitions of Allah".
Attendees worshipers Friday that glorified God.
So, from now on should the parents be aware of their obligation to educate their children in order to become an obedient servant of God. Choose the education of children that is conducive to the development of faith and brain. Instead of letting their children away without the supervision of their readings enjoy doing, what they like to watch and the activities they gandrungi. Negligence in this case, means a waste of the mandate of God.
Remember consequences that would befall us and our families who wasted his religious education! Fire replies appropriate for people who neglect their obligations. Including our poor children. !!!
Truly Hell is too deep to be measured essentially, no power and effort for them to escape from punishment. Humiliation and kerendahanlah that always decorate their countenance. Such a situation is not going to go broke, if not an iota of faith in their chest. How the magnitude of their loss. So much suffering they must have endured. This is the real and intrinsic losses, when people tercampakkan into the pit of Hell.
To confirm about the awesomeness of the torments of hell, we quote the words of God Subhannahu wa Ta'ala:
"Each of their skin charred, we replace them with leather skins that they may taste the torment others". (An-Nisa ': 56).
And also the words of the Prophet sal-Allaahu alaihi wasalam show about the torments of hell are the lightest, namely punishment inflicted on Abu Talib, which means:
From Ibn Abbas Radhiallaahu anhu, the Prophet sal-Allaahu alaihi wasalam said:
"Population hell lightest adzabnya was Abu Talib. He wears 2 sandals from hellfire (resulting) boiling brain hence ". (HR. Agreed Alaih).
With the above explanation, we've been a little more understanding about the return of those who disobey God.
فاستبقوا الخيرات أقول قولي هذا واستغفرا الله انه هو الغفور الرخيم.
Second Sermon
إن الحمد لله نحمده ونستعينه ونستغفره ونعوذ بالله من شرور أنفسنا ومن سيئات أعمالنا, من يهده الله فلا مضل له ومن يضلل فلا هادي له, وأشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وحده لا شريك له وأشهد أن محمدا عبده ورسوله صلى الله عليه وسلم تسلما. أما بعد:
From this rostrum we remind you again, let us start by giving great attention to Tarbiyatul Aulad, namely our children's education process.
Qur'an has reviewed the history of a father who educate their children to recognize goodness. That Luqman, who glorified God Subhannahu wa Ta'ala with the inclusion of words when educating their offspring in the Qur'an. Broadly it is contained in a letter (QS. Luqman 12-19).
In the letter, Luqman start teaching him the sentence planting purify monotheism which essentially only to worship Allah alone, followed by filial obligation and obedience to parents for not violate the law. The next testament is related to seeding beliefs about the Day of Judgment, explanation enforce the obligation of prayer. After commanding the good and forbidding the munkar which acts as an important factor to improve the people, do not forget he mentioned, along with the patient manner in implementation. Next he turned his attention to the adab-adab high daily. Among ban turned away when communicating with other people, because it indicated ugly, which is a reflection of the attitude of arrogant. He also forbade her to walk with arrogant and arbitrary in the face of the earth because Allaah does not like people who are arrogant. He also directed her to walk with moderate not too slow or too fast. Medium advice latter is closely related to the order to lower the voice, moderation in speech.
Thus testament Luqman to his son, laden with pearls very noble and worthwhile for her baby to pursue a way of life that is full of thorns, in order to get to the afterlife with selamat.Cukuplah presumably earlier story as a model for the leader of the family. Meet the needs of food and clothing that is important. But remember, a child's need for knowledge and knowledge is more urgent (urgent).
Friday worshipers happy.
Parents are required to meet the spiritual needs of the child, not to be barren of emission dien science. This case is far more important than just meeting the physical needs as closely related to safety in the world and the hereafter. It can be realized with continuous education inside and outside the home. The problem is, the model of education that exists today only instituted generations materialistic, mad world. Therefore we have to look at and explore methods of education are used Salaf Salih which was already prov


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