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Hadith of the Prophet: People of the temple related

1.Hadits Abu Hurairah said: Messenger of Allah said: Population Yemen came, they were softer heart. No faith in the people of Yemen. Fekah also exist in the Yemen. Then there is also wisdom in the Yemen
2.Hadis Abi Mas'ud 'Uqbah bin' Amr ra said: The Prophet beckoned with his hand toward Yemen, as he said: Remember, there is no real faith while the hardness and roughness of the heart is on the base of the close vocal camels when it appeared a pair of devil horns, which in Bani Bani Rabi'a and Mudar
3. Prophet s.a.w. said: "Anybody who slowed by deeds, not by nasab him to hasten his descendants."
4. From Ibn Abdul Muttalib ibn Rab'ah Khariif, he said the Prophet has said: "Verily sedeqah property was derived from human feces and it is not lawful for Muhammad wanted was for the family of Muhammad." (Muslim).
5. At-Thabarani and others mengketengahkan a Hadith that is intended; "Not perfect faith of a servant of God before his love to me exceed his love for himself; prior to his love for his love offspring exceeds own offspring; before his love to the expert-baitku exceed his love for his own family, and before his passion to exceed his love for his substance zatku own. "
6. Narrated by Ahmad and At-Tarmizi of `Ali RA THAT Prophet SAW said:" Whoever loves these two, namely Hassan, Hussein and her father and mother, then he and I in derajatku in Doomsday
7. Ibn `Abbas RA said that the Prophet once said:
"Love God above sekelian pleasure which He has given to you and love me to love God and love the Ahl-ul-baitku kerana love me"
8. Adverse Dailami narrates a hadith of `Ali RA who called words of the Prophet Muhammad:
"Among the most stable you walk on sirath is the greatest love of the Ahl-ul-baitku and my companions."
9. Narrated by At-Thabarani, THAT RA Jabir ibn Khattab heard `Umar RA said to the crowd when mengahwini Kalthum bint Umm` Ali ibn Abu Talib: "Do not you congratulate me? I heard the Prophet SAW said: `All sabab (relatives) and nasab (salasilah offspring) will be cut off at the last day later than relatives and nasabku '.
10. Hadith Thaqalain history of Zaid bin Al-Arqam RA call:
"I left in the middle of you two provisions. (The first one): Allah's Book, in which there is guidance and light. Let you grab and cling padanya.dan (second): Expert Baitku. I remind you to God about Expert-Baitku! I remind you to God about Expert-Baitku! "
11.Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal narrated in another Hadith:
"If the stars vanished, gone are the inhabitants of the heavens; and if the expert-baitku disappeared, vanished inhabitants of the earth as well. "
12.Sebuah Hadith Al-Hakim and validated by Bukhari & Muslim call: "The stars are (means of) safety for the occupants of the earth (which are yachting) from drowning / sinking while the Ahl-ul-baitku means of salvation for my people of disputes (in religion ). If there is an Arab tribe that backs Ahlul-baitku, they will quarrel became group devil. "
13. Hadith of Abu Dhar Prophet stated: "Ahlul- baitku among you is like the ark (ship) Noah. Who ride he survived and who is behind it perish. "
14. Abu Dhar Al Ghiffari RA stated his intention to hear sabdaan Prophet Muhammad: "" Make the Ahl-ul-baitku to you as the head of the body and as the two sides of the eyes to the head. "
15. Hadith narrated by Imam At-Tarmidzi, THAT Prophet has said: "The world will not end so that the Arabs, led by a man of the family whose name resembles my name.
16. From Tufail of `Ali RA Prophet SAW said:" If the world is only staying one day Allah will raise a man from my family who will meet with justice as it was filled with injustice. "
17. Abu Hurairah RA narrated that the Prophet Muhammad had asserted: "The best among you are those who best attitude towards my family after I'm gone"
18. Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal narrated a Hadith: "The four groups that will memperolehi intercession on the Day of Judgement: People who respect my offspring, those who meet their needs, people who are trying to help their affairs when necessary, and the people who love them with the heart and his tongue. "
19. At-Thabarani also mengketengahkan hadith of Abdullah ibn `Umar RA said:" Allah establishes three `hurumat '(things that must be respected and should not be violated). Whoever maintain good three `hurumat 'it, Allah will keep his religious affairs and keduniaannya. And who does not mengendahkannya, God will not mengendahkan something for him. The Companions asked: What are the three hurumat the Messenger of Allah? Majesty replied: Hurumatul Islam, hurumatku and hurumat relatives. "
20. From Abu Said Al-Khudri RA, he said, had been Prophet said: "For the sake of my soul is in His power, someone actually did not hate us, but the people of the house of God will enter them into the Fire." (Reported by al-Hakim).
21. At-Thabarani also narrated the hadith of Jabir ibn Abdullah RA who tells himself he heard of the Prophet Muhammad in a sermon, among others, calling: "O man, whoever hates us, Ahl-ul-bait, on the Day of Resurrection Allah will lead him as a Jew . "Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal narrated in a hadith marfu ', bahawasanya Messenger of Allah has asserted:" Anyone who hates Ahlul-bait he is a hypocrite. "
22. According to the history of Al-Bukhari it receives from Abi Bukrah, he is saying: "I never saw the Prophet sawsedang stand in the pulpit were Hasan sat looking briefly to the crowd, and see also the Prophet for a while. Then the Prophet Speak, which means : "Verily, my son is Sayid (Mr). And I hope that God will reconcile with this child between two groups of Muslims. "
23. Prophet advised the man from straying way, his saying: "O mankind! Indeed, I left you alone that when you stick with it you will not get lost; Book of Allah and my Ahlul-Bayt `itrahku." (Al-Turmudzi HSR 2/308).
24. Educate your children on three things. The Prophet loved you. Expert bait- love me. Reading the Qur'an. (Reported by Ibn Mundhir, Ibn Abi Hatim, Ibn Mardaweih, and at-Thabrani in the book of his commentary).

Keeping Yourself And Family of Hellfire

Let us always repeat the words of gratitude to God for His blessings that have tercurahkan to us all that physical and mental health is still graced us. Hopefully gratitude we say this, become more key opening the doors of His bounty. Subhannahu Allah wa Ta'ala says:
"If you are grateful, then will we add you and if you deny it, it's actually very painful siksaanKu". (Ibrahim: 7)
We also warn the pilgrims and the self in order to always keep the faith, so entrenched and firmly in the depths of the heart. Because that's the essential capital to meet eternal life, so that the days we'll be happy.
Ikhwani fiddin rahimakumullah.
A Muslim should make the village hereafter as the main target is to be achieved. Not putting the world and gemerlapannya in his heart of hearts, but just being in his hand, as a stepping stone to achieve lasting favors Jannah. So, let us not just sit back just waiting for the passage of time, let alone be fooled by the illusion of the world.
Subhannahu Allah wa Ta'ala says, which means:
"Know that the life of the world is but play and amusement, pomp and glorify oneself between you and the pride-pride of riches and children, like the rain that plants are amazing farmers; then plant it becomes dry and you see the color yellow then be destroyed. And hereafter (later) no hard torment and forgiveness from Allah and His good pleasure. And the life of this world is nothing but a deceptive pleasures. "(Al-Hadid: 20)
Ibn Kathir said (briefly): "Allah Almighty make permisalan Subhannahu world as ephemeral beauty and delights that will go away. That is like a plant that splashed rain after a long drought, so grows the plants are amazing farmers, like the wonder unbelievers in the world, but it was not long before the plants are yellowing, and finally dried and crushed ".
This example suggests that the world will be destroyed and the hereafter will replace it, then God also warned about and advocate for doing good. In the afterlife, there are only two choices: a place filled with torment and pain, and full occupancy forgiveness and pleasure of Allah for His servants. This verse concludes with the assertion about the nature of the world that would deceive people are impressed and amazed him.
The main topic of this we emphasize the importance of education of children who belong to one element of the family, so he survived the world and the hereafter. Children of parents is a delightful marriage of fruit. Behind it, the child is the mandate imposed on parents. Should not be wasted and at underestimate. Implementing the mandate should maintain good condition to prevent damage deposit. For future parents will be asked about his responsibility.
Prophet sal-Allaahu alaihi wasalam said:
كلكم راع وكلكم مسؤول عن رعيته
"Each of you is a leader, and will be asked about its responsibilities." (Saheeh hadith, narrated by Ahmad, al-Bukhari, Muslim, At-Tirmidhi and, from Ibn Umar)
Children born in a state of nature. The obligation of parents to take care so as not to deviate from the straight path, and survived the fire of hell. In addition, a righteous son would be a capital investment for both parents.
Subhannahu Allah wa Ta'ala says, which means:
"O ye who believe, guard yourselves and your families from a Fire whose fuel is men and stones from, guardian angel rough, hard, again do not disobey Allah in what He commanded them and always do what they're told" . (At-Tahrim: 6)
Ali Radhiallaahu anhu menafsiri says in this verse: "Educate and teach them". Adh-Dhahak and Muqatil said: "Mandatory upon a Muslim to educate families such as relatives, the slave woman and her male slave on the commands and prohibitions of Allah".
Attendees worshipers Friday that glorified God.
So, from now on should the parents be aware of their obligation to educate their children in order to become an obedient servant of God. Choose the education of children that is conducive to the development of faith and brain. Instead of letting their children away without the supervision of their readings enjoy doing, what they like to watch and the activities they gandrungi. Negligence in this case, means a waste of the mandate of God.
Remember consequences that would befall us and our families who wasted his religious education! Fire replies appropriate for people who neglect their obligations. Including our poor children. !!!
Truly Hell is too deep to be measured essentially, no power and effort for them to escape from punishment. Humiliation and kerendahanlah that always decorate their countenance. Such a situation is not going to go broke, if not an iota of faith in their chest. How the magnitude of their loss. So much suffering they must have endured. This is the real and intrinsic losses, when people tercampakkan into the pit of Hell.
To confirm about the awesomeness of the torments of hell, we quote the words of God Subhannahu wa Ta'ala:
"Each of their skin charred, we replace them with leather skins that they may taste the torment others". (An-Nisa ': 56).
And also the words of the Prophet sal-Allaahu alaihi wasalam show about the torments of hell are the lightest, namely punishment inflicted on Abu Talib, which means:
From Ibn Abbas Radhiallaahu anhu, the Prophet sal-Allaahu alaihi wasalam said:
"Population hell lightest adzabnya was Abu Talib. He wears 2 sandals from hellfire (resulting) boiling brain hence ". (HR. Agreed Alaih).
With the above explanation, we've been a little more understanding about the return of those who disobey God.
فاستبقوا الخيرات أقول قولي هذا واستغفرا الله انه هو الغفور الرخيم.
Second Sermon
إن الحمد لله نحمده ونستعينه ونستغفره ونعوذ بالله من شرور أنفسنا ومن سيئات أعمالنا, من يهده الله فلا مضل له ومن يضلل فلا هادي له, وأشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وحده لا شريك له وأشهد أن محمدا عبده ورسوله صلى الله عليه وسلم تسلما. أما بعد:
From this rostrum we remind you again, let us start by giving great attention to Tarbiyatul Aulad, namely our children's education process.
Qur'an has reviewed the history of a father who educate their children to recognize goodness. That Luqman, who glorified God Subhannahu wa Ta'ala with the inclusion of words when educating their offspring in the Qur'an. Broadly it is contained in a letter (QS. Luqman 12-19).
In the letter, Luqman start teaching him the sentence planting purify monotheism which essentially only to worship Allah alone, followed by filial obligation and obedience to parents for not violate the law. The next testament is related to seeding beliefs about the Day of Judgment, explanation enforce the obligation of prayer. After commanding the good and forbidding the munkar which acts as an important factor to improve the people, do not forget he mentioned, along with the patient manner in implementation. Next he turned his attention to the adab-adab high daily. Among ban turned away when communicating with other people, because it indicated ugly, which is a reflection of the attitude of arrogant. He also forbade her to walk with arrogant and arbitrary in the face of the earth because Allaah does not like people who are arrogant. He also directed her to walk with moderate not too slow or too fast. Medium advice latter is closely related to the order to lower the voice, moderation in speech.
Thus testament Luqman to his son, laden with pearls very noble and worthwhile for her baby to pursue a way of life that is full of thorns, in order to get to the afterlife with selamat.Cukuplah presumably earlier story as a model for the leader of the family. Meet the needs of food and clothing that is important. But remember, a child's need for knowledge and knowledge is more urgent (urgent).
Friday worshipers happy.
Parents are required to meet the spiritual needs of the child, not to be barren of emission dien science. This case is far more important than just meeting the physical needs as closely related to safety in the world and the hereafter. It can be realized with continuous education inside and outside the home. The problem is, the model of education that exists today only instituted generations materialistic, mad world. Therefore we have to look at and explore methods of education are used Salaf Salih which was already prov

Meaning of Islam

On this happy occasion, I intestate to myself and to the brethren, let us increase Islam, faith and piety to God Almighty Subhannahu because only with Islam, faith and piety that we will find happiness both in moreover world Insha Allah in the Hereafter.
            For it at this time taking a sermon entitled "The Meaning ISLAM"
            Shaykh Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab in the book "Usul Tsalatsah", said:
الإسلام هو الاستسلام لله بالتوحيد والانقياد له بالطاعة والابتعاد عن الشرك.
            Meaning: "Islam is to surrender to God with meMaha EsakanNya in worship and bow to do obedience and abstain from shirk."
            As Allah says in surah Al-Baqarah verse 112:
            It means: "(Not so), even he who surrendered to God is he doing good, then his reward on the side of her Lord, and no fear come upon them and not (also) they grieve."
            The joints Islam there are five as it has been spoken Shallallaahu Prophet alaihi wa Salam. In a hadith narrated by Al-Bukhari and Muslim.
عن عبد الله بن عمر رضي الله عنهما قال: سمعت رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم يقول: بني الإسلام على خمس; شهادة أن لا إله إلا الله وأن محمدا رسول الله وإقام الصلاة وإيتاء الزكاة وحج البيت وصوم رمضان.
            Meaning: "From Abdillah bin Umar Radhiallaahu anhu Says: I heard the Messenger Shallallaahu alaihi wa Salam said:" Islam is built on five cases:
1. Bear witness that there is no god worthy of worship correctly but Allah and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah
2. Establish the prayer
3. Remove the charity.
4. accomplishing Hajj
5. Fasting in the month of Ramadan. "
            Here joints Islam, which causes a person to come out of the circle of infidelity and that causes a person to go to Heaven and away from the torment of Hell.
Ma'asyiral Muslims rahimakumullah
            Five joints mentioned above is the pillar of Islam. Whoever run perfectly, it includes a perfect Muslim faith, and whoever leaves entirely, then he is a real pagan. And whosoever shall deny any one of them, then the scholars agree that he is not a Muslim. And he who believes he abandoned entirely and one of them in addition to the creed he is fasiq and anyone who labor merely verbal without coupled with I'tigad, then he is a hypocrite.
            Allah Ta'ala berfiman Aal Imran verse 19.
            Meaning: "Truly, the religion (which is true) in the sight of Allah is Islam".
            The purpose of the paragraph above, that there is no accepted religion with Him from someone other than Islam.
            So whoever adheres to a religion other than the Shari'ah of Muhammad Shallallaahu alaihi wa Salam after the coming to him, then religion is not acceptable in the sight of Allah wa Ta'ala Subhannahu.
Allah says in Surah Ali Imran verse 85.
            Meaning: "And whoever seeks a religion other than Islam, it will never be accepted from it, while he was in the Hereafter belonged to the losers."
            Ie he who runs a religion other than what disyari'atkan by Allah to His Messenger, then there will be accepted thereof in Allah and in the Hereafter he is among those who lose.
            As word of the Prophet Muhammad Shallallaahu alaihi wa Salam in the authentic hadith:
من عمل عملا ليس عليه أمرنا فهو رد.
            It means: "Whoever does a deed, which is not based on our description, then it is rejected".
            Based on the above hadith has been obvious for the servants who believe in Allah and the last day, that anything relating to the law, both in terms of aqidah and worship, will be accepted by Allah, if it agrees with anything that has been taught by God to His Messenger. As has been spoken by God in the Qur'an letter Ali-Imran verse 31.
            It means: "Say:" If you (really) love Allah then follow me, Allah will love you and forgive you your sins. "God is Forgiving, Most merciful."
            And Allaah has said also, in the Al-Hashr verse 7.
            That is: "What is given by the apostle then accept it. And what is in larangnya you then leave and bertaqwalah to God. Allah is strict in punishment. "
Ma'asyiral Muslims rahimakumullah
            When viewed from since shari'ah scaled until the Day of Judgment, then Islam can be divided into two, namely:
1. Islam in terms of general
2. Islam in terms of specific
            Islam in terms of the public, that since the apostles were the first to the last day later, they are Islamic Shari'ah which means, subject only to worship God alone, therefore they are called Al-Muslim Brotherhood.
            Islam in terms of specific, that since the coming of the last Apostle, in which he is a complement to the previous Shari'ah, as well as a cover for all the apostles, then whoever of mankind, who do not believe in Prophet Muhammadsaw, then he is an infidel.
            As mentioned in the authentic hadith that the Prophet Shallallaahu alaihi wa Salam said:
عن أبي هريرة رضي الله عنه عن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم أنه قال: والذي نفس محمد بيده لا يسمع بي أحد من هذه الأمة يهودي ولا نصراني ثم يموت ولم يؤمن بالذي أرسلت به إلا كان من أصحاب النار. (رواه مسلم)
            Meaning: From Abu Hurairah Radhiallaahu anhu, from the Prophet Shallallaahu alaihi wa Salam, he said: "By the One who Muhammad was in his hands, not someone heard about me from these people, whether Jews or Christians, then died while he yet want to believe in what I carry, but he would be the inhabitants of Hell. "(Hadith Muslim)
أقول قو لي هذا وأستغفر الله لي ولكم انه هو الغفور الرحيم.
Second Sermon
الحمد لله رب العالمين, وبه نستعين على أمور الدنيا والدين والصلاة والسلام على سيد المرسلين وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين. أما بعد; معاشر المسلمين رحمكم الله.
            We have to believe that Islam is the true religion of Allah and in others is vanity And we believe, that Islam is a religion that has been perfect. As has been mentioned in the Quran surah Al-Maidah verse 3:
            Meaning: "This day have I perfected for you your religion, and have Kucukupkan you ni'matKu, and had my-ridlai Islam as your religion".
Ma'asyiral Muslims rahimakumullah
            That Islam, God has given word to His prophets and to all the Mu'minin, that He (God) has perfected for them Islam as a religion.
            With God's decision, as well as the Keme-memories for the mu'minim and a religious perfection.
Then finished the task Shallallaahu Prophet alaihi wa Salam in carrying out their duties in delivering religion, and for the believers, they do not need anymore reduction or increase forever.
            May Allah always guide us all to the path of Allah approves. Amen.

Ex-Leader of Indonesian ISIS Fund citizen to Syria

Chairman of the Islamic Reformist Movement (Garis) Cianjur, West Java, Chep Hernawan been a leader of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) Indonesian region. Chep admitted to his house in Jalan Aria Wiratanu Flat Front Village District of Cianjur, Cianjur Regency in April 2014 to be a place to accommodate those who wish to join the move ISIS in Syria.

According to CHEP, he reached into his pocket about $ 1 billion to finance the departure of persons, including passports, purchase air tickets and accommodation. "I gave it in cash to each person. Each purposes pemberangkatannya take care of themselves. I'm just setting up the funds needed," said Chep in Cianjur, Tuesday, March 17, 2015.

Chep explained, people who will join ISIS dispatched to Syria from home Chep gradually since April 2014.

Before deployment to Syria, said Chep, people were equipped with physical training to climb Mount Gede. They stay at the top of the mountain a few days without eating rice. The goal is to train the appropriate physical conditions that will be visited in Syria. "There is no war games or take up arms. They are trained physical endurance. If it's war games, mah, there (Syria) can," he said.

Chep insisted he was not a promoter and does not receive any benefit from the role he does. He even admits the action known to Police Headquarters. "I often summoned and questioned by officers at the Police Headquarters. I admit what it is. If I say one, yes, what's wrong? There is no intent of harming the state," said CHEP.

Chep say continue to coordinate with the police and the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) to explain the issues surrounding the ISIS, according perception that he held. He still went to the Police Headquarters on Monday, March 16th, 2015.

Chep explained, he was appointed leader of Indonesian Regional ISIS in a meeting at a hotel in Jakarta on March 11, 2015. However, a month later he was asked to resign by the Chairman of the Indonesian Mujahidin Council, Abubakar Bashir. "I was told to get out by Abubakar. I was asked to stop 'trade' ISIS name, but returned to the Khilafah," he said.

After the retreat of the leader that Chep channel ISIS jihad to accommodate the wishes of those who want to join with ISIS. But lately he knows the direction of the struggle is different. "I heard him already to factors of economic necessity because supposedly they get paid up to USD 6 million per month," he said. CHEP then report it to the Police Headquarters.

Chep admitted he still communicate with people who've diberangkatkannya to Syria. "One of them named Bahrum. He survived until now. My last contact with Bahrum about a month ago. The others also survived. Nothing fall," he said.

Ridho / Perceiving oneself

Preparedness is essential in order to face all possibilities that will happen in this life. As against that has happened, then the attitude we should have is a blessing. Blessing to what eventually happened or blessing in the end results we received after business that we do.

Blessing it is the mental skills to realistically accept. To accept the fact, coupled brain and limb that is working continuously to achieve a better state.

Why do we need the blessing? Because if we do not bless any, events or results that remains the case. A simple example is when we are walking in the middle of a golf course, then there is a golf ball that is thrown and on our toes. If this event happens to us, then be blessing. Because there is no fortunately also be no blessing, yet the ball had been on our toes. Let the pain for a while. Let the pain that makes us be grumbling, cursing or anything that is not a good attitude.

In a situation like the one above it, actually there is a window of opportunity we are to worship. That is when we can interpret the fall of the golf ball as a warning from Allah. that we still remember him. So the words that came out was is dhikr.

Prophet. said, "It would feel a delicacy / sweetness of faith, the person who is pleased with Allah as his Lord and Islam as a religion and (the Prophet) Muhammad as his messenger." (HR. Muslim)

As the contents of the above hadith, be blessing will give nuance in our minds. Because in fact we are currently suffering grumbling and cursing it not been for the fall of the ball on our toes. But because we do not want to accept it. So finally we were suffering.

Another example is the case in our midst is the attitude of mocking or sneering situation yourself. There are people who own physical pout just because snub nose, or skin black, or short stature. Or there are also people who sneer himself simply being born of the family who are not wealthy.

People like the above will feel the pain. Their suffering was not caused by the fact that the case, but because ketidakterampilannya in accepting reality. So, do not be surprised if we watched a lot of people who are experiencing stress due to unskilled accept that happen to them, be it with regard to physical appearance, finances, career, and so forth.

Therefore, regardless of the fact that we face, accept and do not complain, let alone condemn or sputter. Ridho attitude will keep us from feeling pain. The fact that different from the expectations will be felt light and we will be able to condition yourself to be happy.

Really no one else incident without intent or purpose. Including if it was an unfortunate incident. A big loss if the calamity that comes addressed with a negative attitude, not accept, grumbling, or attitudes like. Since the disaster is a test that would further strengthen the power of one's self. Even when faced with the blessing, the disaster could be the way to heaven. As the word of Allah,

 "Do you think that you will enter Paradise while yet to come to you (trials) as well as those who passed away before you. They are overwritten by the calamity and misery, and shaken (by various trials) that said the Messenger and those who believe with him, "When will the coming of Nashrullah (God's help)." Remember, it's actually very close to the help of God. "(QS. Al-Baqarah [2]: 214).

Be blessing it like when we cook rice, unwittingly water we pour too much so that the rice was even so mush. In these circumstances, the attitude that we do not grumble and blame themselves let alone scold others. However, be pleased with such searching celery, soy beans and shredded chicken. Add soy sauce and crackers so that it becomes mush mush chicken with a special flavor.

Prophet. said, "Whoever is pleased (to the provisions of Allah) then God will bless him .." (HR. Tirmidhi).


Generally, men urinate in a standing position, while women with a squatting position. And in general where the pee on the Mall, in the office, airport, station, and other public places provide a urinal that is designed to stand up, right? Keep going, do you know the dangers of this pee standing up?
Urinating or defecating subtle language of art is already not a familiar thing for mankind. Every human being doing this activity to remove the remains of the body's metabolism (excreting body). In doing even this activity we are required to do it properly and according to the rules.
• Hadith narrated by Aisha radi 'anha, in which he said, "Who told you that the Prophet urinated while standing, do not be justified. He never pee standing up. "
• From 'A'ishah. said that the Prophet never pee while standing since the Quran was revealed to him.
Medically pee standing is the main cause of urinary stone disease in all patients with the disease and is one of the causes of the disease for some male impotence.
In religion, most people who usually pee standing up then they would establish the prayer, when will bowing or prostration then feel there is something out of his cock, that residual urine were not exhausted scattered when urinating while standing, if this happens then the prayer doing is not valid because the urine is unclean and one of the requirements is a sacred prayer validity of hadats small or large hadats.
Generally we have despised the way and urinal, perhaps because of time considerations or circumstances require (forced) to pee standing up without thought ugliness of the Sunnah and health. People used to have a culture forbids child pee standing so we often heard the saying, "Teacher pee standing, student pee running", because there is a negative effect of pee standing up.
The habit of pissing people will easily stand weak of heart, because of residual moisture in the pundits-pot which is not discharged radiated glands make the muscles and tendons around the penis becomes flaccid smooth and loose. In contrast to pee squat, squat in a state of the femur on the left and right loosen the crush testicles. It facilitates the easy flow of urine discharged and easy to press the base of the scrotum as he coughed his throat. In this way, the urine will come out completely, even in this way about the power of penis muscles maintained.
When pee pee standing up there with discontent, because there was still some water in the bag and eggs under the stem penis penis. He is likely to cause bladder stones. The fact proves that the rock which is in the kidney or art bags and egg penis is caused by the remnants of urine that is not depleted dispersed. Deposition by-sediment eventually crystallized / hardens like a rock.
If you are a regular researching residual urine were not cleaned in the bathroom, you can imagine how hard crust-crust. What if it's on your pubic bag ?? It is also one of the causes of impotence in men disease apart from the cause of bladder stones.
• In fact a lot of punishment of the grave because of piss then cleaned yourself from (splash and former) pee. (HR. Al Bazzaar and Ath-Thahawi)
• Hadith of Ibn Abbas., He said: Messenger of Allah. once past the two graves, then he said: Remember, actually two dead person being tortured, but not because of a great sin. That one was tortured because he likes to pit first, while others were tortured for not cleanse himself of urine. Then he asked palm leaf midrib and he cut into two. After that he plugged one in a grave and the other on the other grave as he said: May the midrib it can alleviate punishment, during dry yet. (Saheeh Muslim, 439)
Thus the lesson Messenger of Allaah alaihi wa Salam prohibit pee standing up. And for Muslims who pray, sometimes after coming out of the toilet and want to pray, when bowing in prayer we feel there is something out of the genitals, it is residual urine were not exhausted dispersed result of incomplete urination stand out, this causes prayer is invalid because one of his legitimate laden prayer is clean and pure from impure hadats both small and large hadats, and urine is unclean.
So the Prophet of Allaah be upon Sincerely often reminded in his saying: "Be careful in trouble urinating due mostly due to the punishment of the grave is not careful in pee".
1. Discard the water squats (no standing if not forced / emergency). So that dirt can get out thoroughly so as not to cause bladder stones and impotence.
2. Using footwear. According to research in the United States in the bathroom / WC there is a virus with type Americanus coming through the soles of the feet of people who are on the toilet. By the time the virus long climb to the top of the head to the body and brain tissue damage menyebabkna weak brain could no longer remember, blank all brain memory so senile. Sandals should be placed outside the toilet, not in the toilet, because the dirty, damp and not on target kebesihan.
3. Sign a bathroom / WC with left leg and come out with the right foot. This is commanded by the Prophet's Sunnah, and also disunnahkan to read the prayer before entering the bathroom (prayer read out of the bathroom) and after getting out of the shower. In contrast, if we entered the mosque and the house, entered the mosque or at home with the right leg and came out with the left foot.
4. Beristinja 'with water and with the left hand.
5. Beristinja '(purification and cleaning up) with water, not with a tissue or the other unless the water is not found when the jungle, desert etc. May use a tissue but should be rinsed again with water afterwards. Terms of cleanliness and purity of unclean according to Shari'a is missing color, odor lost, and lost a sense of the unclean. Beristinja 'also disunnahkan with the left hand, this division of labor of the hands, the left hand of affairs' back' while to eat & drink disunnahkan with the right hand, do not dicampuradukkaan, hand to back it also matters to eat. And the Prophet forbade eating and drinking with his left hand.
6. Do not designing / planning something in the toilet. Prophet strictly prohibits plan or make a plan / idea / inspiration in the toilet, because the toilet is markaznya Satan as our prayers when about to enter WC: "Allahumma inni a'udzubika khubutsi wal terminal khabaits" O Allah, I seek refuge in You from temptations of satan men and women ". Because it was feared plans / ideas / inspiration gained comes from the devil whisper looks good but after the run was a lot of harm / ugliness. Likewise, after the exit WC, seek forgiveness and prayers read out WC. In manners and culture was not very good, period while pooping looking for ideas / inspiration or plan something good let alone something that concerns the lives of many people. Disunnahkan also to hasten out the WC when urination is finished, instead of singing especially while reading a book or newspaper.
7. When the waste water is prohibited facing or back to the qibla, when facing the qibla hendaknnya WC hole when defecating body a little bit diserongkan
If Sunnah practiced even in the bathroom then we have also the name of worship. How sadly every day we are to the bathroom several times but did not get the reward of worship to turn sunnah. In fact one of the aims and objectives of man created is to worship.
So it helps us learn adab-adab-Sunnah and the Sunnah in the bathroom (WC) follows so we get a lot of good in the world benefits (health) and in the hereafter (religion) who has taught Messenger of Allaah be upon Sincerely.


Quoted from the book of Imam Al Kabair Dzihaby
وقد ورد في الحديث أن من حافظ على الصلوات المكتوبة أكرمه الله تعالى بخمس كرامات يرفع عنه ضيق العيش وعذاب القبر ويعطيه كتابه بيمينه ويمر على الصراط كالبرق الخاطف ويدخل الجنة بغير حساب ومن تهاون بها عاقبه الله بخمس عشرة عقوبة خمس في الدنيا وثلاث عند الموت وثلاث في القبر وثلاث عند خروجه من القبر
has come hadith explains that whoever maktubah keep praying five times then Allah Ta'ala will memuliyakan the TSB with 5 glory:
1. be removed from the narrow circumstances of life.
2. to remove the punishment of the grave for him.
3. The future of books of deeds are given on his right hand.
4. can pass shirot / footbridge hereafter like lightning, who snatched.
5. enter heaven without reckoning.
And anyone who underestimate maktubah prayers five times God will torture him with 15 torture, namely:
5 torment in the world, 3 torment when death comes, 3 torment when in the grave and the torment when 3 out of the tomb.
فأما اللاتي في الدنيا فالأولى ينزع البركة من عمره والثانية يمحي سيماء الصالحين من وجهه والثالثة كل عمل يعمله لا يأجره الله عليه والرابعة لا يرفع له دعاء إلى السماء والخامسة ليس له حظ في دعاء الصالحين
The torment in the world are:
1. blessing age revoked.
2. tanda2 piety in his face in the clear.
3. all ill deeds be rewarded by God.
4. morbidly prayer lifted up to heaven.
5. morbidly get part of orang2 pious prayer.
وأما اللاتي تصيبه عند الموت فإنه يموت ذليلا والثانية يموت جائعا والثالثة يموت عطشانا ولو سقي بحار الدنيا ما روي من عطشه
The torment when death comes is:
1. meningal in a state of abject.
2. died in a state of starvation.
3. died in a state of thirst, if given a drink oceans waka world can not eliminate thirst.
وأما اللاتي تصيبه في قبره فالأولى يضيق عليه قبره حتى تختلف فيه أضلاعه والثانية يوقد عليه القبر نارا يتقلب على الجمر ليلا ونهارا والثالثة يسلط عليه في قبره ثعبان اسمه الشجاع الأقرع عيناه من نار وأظفاره من حديد طول كل ظفر مسيرة يوم يكلم الميت
The torment in the grave are:
1. narrowed his grave until tulang2 coincide.
2. The fire turn in his grave and turned into embers day and night.
3. authorized it in the grave a great snake named syuja 'al aqro',
TSB snake eyes of fire, kuku2nya of iron and nails are long-distance day trip.
TSB big snake talking to him
فيقول أنا الشجاع الأقرع وصوته مثل الرعد القاصف يقول أمرني ربي أن أضربك على تضييع صلاة الصبح إلى طلوع الشمس وأضربك على تضييع صلاة الظهر إلى العصر وأضربك على
تضييع صلاة العصر إلى المغرب وأضربك على تضييع صلاة المغرب إلى العشاء وأضربك على تضييع صلاة العشاء إلى الصبح فكلما ضربه ضربة يغوص في الأرض سبعين ذراعا فلا يزال في الأرض معذبا إلى يوم القيامة
snake says:
"I was syuja 'al aqro'"
his voice that boomed like thunder.
"My Lord commanded me that beat you because you menyia2 the morning prayers to the rising sun,
and beat you because delaying
dhuhur  until the arrival of Asr prayer,
and beat you because delaying the Asr prayer until the coming of evening prayers,
and beat you because delaying the maghrib prayer until the coming of evening prayers',
and beat you because delaying the evening prayers' until the coming of the dawn prayer. "
when syuja 'hit it one time then they will sink into the earth deceased as deep as 70 feet, and he was constantly tormented earth until the day kiyamat.
وأما اللاتي تصيبه عند خروجه من قبره في موقف القيامة فشدة الحساب وسخط الرب ودخول النار وفي رواية فإنه يأتي يوم القيامة وعلى وجهه ثلاثة أسطر مكتوبات السطر الأول يا مضيع حق الله السطر الثاني يا مخصوصا بغضب الله السطر الثالث كما ضيعت في الدنيا حق الله فآيس اليوم من رحمة الله
The siksaanya when out of the grave and are in mauqifnya kiyamat are:
1. a very heavy reckoning.
2. get the wrath of God.
3. go into hell.
in the history, then he (the person who underestimate prayer) came in on his day kiyamat and there are 3 lines of text:
1. O man of God who menyia2kan rights.
2. O special people who earn the wrath of God.
3. as you menyia2kan the rights of God in the world now given up Problem of God's grace.
wallohu knows best.