Go In order to seek the blessing of God, More valuable than the World and its contents
Overwhelming Praise be to Allah the Supreme King of heaven and earth, the Supreme Ruler of every situation and events, omnipresent throughout the period, before the created, after a period created and after the dead, for the calculation of the day and night there, before lunch and dinner there, until noon and no night, Allah There, the Creator day and night and time, the time of the Supreme Creator existed before the era, and the Supreme exist after the time gone, and the Supreme prepare eternal grace to His servants the descendants of Adam, for their happiness or humiliation , the advantage of choosing happiness is delivered by a messenger of God, the world and the happiness carrier akhirah, Sayyidina Muhammad. Bearer sublime world and akhirah, Sayyidina Muhammad. World peace and akhirah carrier, Sayyidina Muhammad. The glory of the world and akhirah carrier, Sayyidina Muhammad.
Guide the servants of God to the sublime, to the kedamianan road, the road to happiness, to the glory of the world and akhirah, fortunately the followers of Sayyidina Muhammad, fortunately for lovers of Sayyidina Muhammad, the advantage of bershalawat to Sayyidina Muhammad, the advantage of missed Sayyidina Muhammad sallallaahu ' alaihi wasallam.
And your presence in this great assembly one proof that I and you are in a group of lovers of Sayyidina Muhammad, may we have gathered by God into groups prophet lovers in the world, which is to make sure our wills also gathered together Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam in Yaumul Qiyama, amen.
Attendees presence glorified God
Sublime secret that ditumpahruahkan by God throughout our lives who wishes to offer for every breath into diamonds that bring nobleness in the future and on the following day in the life of the world, barzakh and akhirah, that's the meaning of the resurrection of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam, sec- tors as the word of God Subhanahu wata'ala:
وما أرسلناك إلا رحمة للعالمين
(الأنبياء: 107)
"Nor have we sent thee (Muhammad) but (to) be a mercy to the worlds" (QS. Al Anbiya: 107)
All his guidance, all his guidance, all his words are pearls of happiness the world and akhirah. May God always menerangiku and you the world and akhirah sublime light, the light of the world and akhirah happiness, O supreme happiness and akhirah world. Allah Subhanahu wata'ala ordered so many orders, and prohibit so many restrictions, but even though Allah Subhanahu wata'ala have the nature of anger and hatred against sin but God also has the nature of love, who still love and care for sinners so overwhelmed forgiveness , as his word:
"The heavens almost rupture of adjoining it, and the angels hymn the praise of his Lord and ask forgiveness for those who are on earth. Remember, that Allah! He is the Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful". (QS. As Syuuraa: 5)
Rosary angel, praising God and pleaded for the inhabitants of the earth from the sky almost solve the enormity of the rosary and a request for forgiveness angel inhabitants of the earth. Who ordered the angels to do so? He is God ..!
Why does God proclaim to us ?, God wants to give us an understanding, "this is my tenderness and my affection for the inhabitants of the earth are much sin", even the angels in the skies rumbled ask forgiveness for their sins. This is the love of God for sinners, then what about those who love God?!.
Ladies presence, how jarring angels pray for them?
Allah Subhanahu wata'ala says:
إن الذين قالوا ربنا الله ثم استقاموا تتنزل عليهم الملائكة ألا تخافوا ولا تحزنوا وأبشروا بالجنة التي كنتم توعدون
(فصلت: 30)
"As for those who say:" Our Lord is Allah, "and then they confirm their establishment, then the angels will descend upon them (saying):" Do not be afraid and do not feel sad; and ye rejoice with (gain) heaven that God had promised to you. "(QS. Fusshilat: 30)
Those who say: "Our Lord is God indeed, then beristiqamah", what it istiqamah? That is trying his best to stay away from things that are forbidden by Allah and try his best to do things that are ruled by God. Efforts to achieve constancy and steadfastness are getting reward constancy. Someone attempt to achieve constancy then he has to get the reward nobility, because one's intention was to get the reward, and if he does then the reward is doubled from 10 to 700 times. So berniatlah us all to be People of constancy is a person who always stay away from things that are forbidden of God and always do things that are favored by God, it is an open secret that the more abundant divine tenderness, get rid of all the difficulties and disasters and made us as if will be in heaven before it gets to heaven, because God spoiling us with glory and peace in this world, so the state of the people who loved God.
Ladies presence, happiness the world and hopefully akhirah terlimpah to us and deprived of the fire of hell.
Allah Subhanahu wata'ala says:
قد أفلح من تزكى, وذكر اسم ربه فصلى, بل تؤثرون الحياة الدنيا, والآخرة خير وأبقى, إن هذا لفي الصحف الأولى, صحف إبراهيم وموسى
(الأعلى: 14-19)
"Successful indeed are those who cleanse themselves (by faith), and he dhikr remember the name of his Lord, then he prayed, but (among) you choose the worldly life, while the Hereafter is better and more lasting, this actually really contained in the book or books that first, (ie) the books of Abraham and Moses ". (QS. Al A'laa: 14-19)
It's lucky they were willing to purify himself, want to try to climb the stairs of the nobility, from darkness into bright light, from sin toward repentance, forgiveness of guilt towards, from humiliation to the sublime, from the nobility leading to a more sublime. Stairs nobility available to us is every breath we open the opportunity, the Seer wait we repent and seek forgiveness, waiting for our worship and ready to bestow glory and grace for us, O God.
Attendees presence glorified God
The Word of God: "It's lucky people who purify themselves and a lot of dhikr mention the name of Allah and praying" .Allah Supreme Tau that we may not always dhikr for 24 hours, but at least our days more dhikr, today a lot of dhikr the next day even more dhikr although only increases one more mention the name of God in every day, then he has semkain close each day to God. However, the majority of humans would choose worldly than keukhrawian, leaving God and akhirah leads to temporal things and leave to worship God, no longer worship God, no longer care about the creator, even preferring the life of his world, even though it is more akhirah life good and lasting.
The audience's presence, of course, does not mean we are not to look for the world's wealth, property and anything that is in our lives. However, the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam world and bring happiness akhirah of Allah Subhanahu wata'ala, teaches us how wonderful it is to achieve the sublime in the world and akhirah, Apostle sallallaahu' alaihi wasallam said: "Whoever works and he intend to support orphans and the poor, it is as if he is the one who strive in the afternoon, and evening prayer throughout the night, or as people who fast during the day and night prayer throughout the night "(Sahih Bukhari). it is for those who have the intention to help the fuqara 'and dhu'afaa and children orphaned, so noble though they work in an office or in the store, as employees or whatever, which in his work that appears is ghaflah ( negligence) and worldliness, but they could have it before God are those who during the day as the Ahl-ul-Jihad (the Mujahideen) and in the evening is a person who always did qiyamul Lail, because he wants to care for fuqara 'and dhu'afaa. How wonderful guidance of the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam. Left nor have always saved her life except nobility.
The audience's presence, God's Word: "Akhirah better and more lasting", the life of this world is only a few tens of years. Noah peace be upon him described in the books of commentary that he was preaching for 950 years, not age. As for age, the scholars' different opinions in this case some say age 2000 years, some say 1500 years, according to the interpretation of Al Imam Qurtubi and others. However, if we think about how his old age was 1500 years, how he passed the days are filled with anything that should he pass on the pleasure or misfortune, then what we were only 60 or 70 years or more, and a few were reaching up to 100 years. It's a very short life and then vanished and then to God, then there is eternal life. If death if we just be ground just then finished our business, but it is not so, we would live forever not like animals and plants that will disappear and transitory, we will live trillions of years later, either in disgrace or in majesty. So lucky lovers Sayyidina Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam.
Attendees presence glorified God
Allah Subhanahu wata'ala says:
كل نفس بما كسبت رهينة, إلا أصحاب اليمين, في جنات يتساءلون, عن المجرمين, ما سلككم في سقر, قالوا لم نك من المصلين, ولم نك نطعم المسكين, وكنا نخوض مع الخائضين, وكنا نكذب بيوم الدين, حتى أتانا اليقين, فما تنفعهم شفاعة الشافعين, فما لهم عن التذكرة معرضين
(المدثر: 38-47)
"Each mortgaged for what he had done, except the right class, is in the surge and they asked each other about the (state) innocent people," What do you incorporate into Saqar (hell)? "They said:" We were not of those who do pray, and we do not (also) feed the poor, and are we talking about a false along with people who talk about it, and we deny the Day of Judgment, to come to our death ". So no longer useful to their intercession of those who intercede, then why do they turn away from (Allah)?". (QS. Al Muddatssir: 38-47)
Ladies presence, all men in that day mortgaged by his sins, already exhausted the whole pleasure and they can not pay plus a multitude of sins, soul mortgaged by his deeds, deeds might forget to be thankful and Meekly sinful deeds forget to diistighfari, it make them mortgaged and had to atone for the sins and guilt, except noble groups, they are not safe mortgaged his soul, his neck was not bound by his deeds, they are in eternal tranquility in heaven, they never get sick, or trials, insults and other problems, no more sadness, no more difficult, there is no longer any problem.
And when they asked the residents of hell, saying: "O inhabitants of hell why did you get into this hell, what one of you?" , Residents of hell said, "when we were in the first world, we do not want to pray, nor feed the poor, and we always get together with a group that is always sin day and night until we died". Then Allah says: "never will be useful again intercession of intercessors", because they died in a state that leave God, they seclude God, they mentalak three God to no longer want to go back to God all his life until he died. Why did they turn away from? when there is an earthquake, a flood, there is a disaster, no pleasure, no excitement, no ease, no trouble, no day and night, no plants, no animals, all of which are the epitome of the existence of Allah Subhanahu wata'ala and essentially as a warning . Allah Subhanahu wata'ala says:
وما تشاءون إلا أن يشاء الله رب العالمين
(التكوير: 29)
"And you can not want (the way of it) except where the will of God. The Lord of hosts." (QS. At takwir: 29)
Present at this dhikr assemblies also with the permission of Allah. So, if someone intends to do good, then God will help him to do good. Allah Subhanahu wata'ala help him do the glory of Allah Subhanahu wata'ala helped to assemblies dhikr, Allah Subhanahu wata'ala who helped him to get into remission.
Attendees presence glorified God
Allah Subhanahu wata'ala also said:
وما يذكرون إلا أن يشاء الله هو أهل التقوى وأهل المغفرة
(المدثر: 56)
"And they're not going to take heed thereof except (if) God wills it. He (God) is God Who should (we) fear of him and has the right to grant mercy". (QS. Al Muddatssir: 56)
He is the Almighty Allah Subhanahu wata'ala piety and He is the Gave, and the Most have forgiveness and Maha gave him, then ask piety and forgiveness to God because only God's owner, because the owner of the world and akhirah is God, the happiness of the world and belongs akhirah His, our bodies belong to Him, we are not created it himself nor buy our bodies.
Attendees presence glorified God
This leads us to this noble hadith, in which the Apostle sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam said:
غدوة في سبيل الله أو روحة خير من الدنيا وما فيها ولقاب قوس أحدكم أو موضع قدم من الجنة خير من الدنيا وما فيها ولو أن امرأة من نساء أهل الجنة اطلعت إلى الأرض لأضاءت ما بينهما ولملأت ما بينهما ريحا ولنصيفها يعني الخمار خير من الدنيا وما فيها
(رواه البخاري)
The release of a person in the early morning or late afternoon to the way that God approves it is more valuable than the world and everything in it, that is what ?, is like someone who came out in the morning or afternoon or whenever to have good intentions, if he went to school berniatlah a good example to get the pleasure of his mother's father, to be a useful and so forth, filled with noble intentions. If it works, berniatlah with such good intentions to provide for his family, to provide for the poor and fuqara 'or with noble intentions of others, the intention and the steps that are worth more than the world and everything in it, meaning he succeeded or not at work or school then he has gained a greater reward than the world and everything in it. Thus the beauty of the steps in the nobility. We step into this place also is an abundance of grace of Allah Subhanahu wata'ala, may Allah Subhanahu wata'ala mercy and happiness to us all, amen.
Attendees presence glorified God,
Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam continue his saying: That the arrows and footrest equipment (which is used when riding a horse) that is in heaven was more valuable than the world and everything in it. And the Apostle also explained that men and women later in heaven so adorned by God, to the point that if they demonstrated little to the inhabitants of the earth, undoubtedly bercahayalah entire sky and earth with their light, and their scent will fill heaven and earth. Al Imam Ibn Hajar in Fath al Asqalany bisyarah Bari Sharh Saheeh al-Bukhari and narrated this hadith from other history, that women mu'minat who go to heaven, if ever they were expelled from heaven and on earth is shown, then all light The heavens and earth will disappear with their light, will no longer be visible sun and the moon as it is covered by them from the bright light of brilliance, even Al Imam Ibn Hajar also explained: that if if they reveal little calf then the entire population of the earth will be fitnah because beautiful women in heaven someday.
So, brothers and sisters kumuliakan, perhaps in the world is that there are not beautiful beautiful, no defects there are no defects, but someday in heaven all in a state of good-looking men and women in a beautiful state.
A frequently asked question that is painful to us and also to me, that Islam is a religion that hiperseks because in heaven someday be married to 40 nymphs. Al Imam Ibn Hajar Al Asqalany explained in Fath al Bari that the intent of the phrase "tazwiij" does not mean to be married but the intention is maintained and serviced by 40 nymphs, but women are much more beautiful than heaven, an angel of heaven, because it is the servant angel. And there is also a man who serves the women in heaven as maidens, but still men in heaven far more embellished by Allah Subhanahu wata'ala.
So, sisters, know maybe when the world if it does not wear make-up may be less beautiful. But for the life you have to prepare for the future make-up to beautify your face, do not get face-face dark future because sin then wear makeup that will be a lasting makeup is water ablution, prostration, dhikr, and blessings to Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam which it will make your face bright in heaven. The audience's presence, even a veil of a woman who is in heaven is far more valuable than the world and everything in it. Thus the beauty of those who want to draw close to God, would fix itself, would introspective on the situation. Genius owner called us, the Supreme Virtue offers sublime, the Supreme Owner happiness offer happiness for those who want to call Him, to those who will receive Him.
Attendees presence glorified God
Frequently asked Allah's pleasure, frequently asking for the love of God, often to ask forgiveness of God, often to ask for God's desire, for what? Since the day and night we always ask this intent and that, lest God jealous "When My servants ask my affection ?, when My servants ask closeness with me, when my servants ask my love, when the servant mine wants to be loved by me ", do not ever occurred to ask ?! Do not minded when a sinner like me, impossible I dare ask Allah Subhanahu wata'ala love, remember that Allah Subhanahu wata'ala has said in the hadith qudsy:
وإن تقرب إلي بشبر تقربت إليه ذراعا وإن تقرب إلي ذراعا تقربت إليه باعا وإن أتاني يمشي أتيته هرولة
"If he (the servant) inch closer to me, I approached him even one hour. If he came to me one cubit, I approached to-fathom him. If he came to me to ask the run (normal), then I came to run fast"
That is what ?, instead of closeness with distance but closeness ruhiah, then the slave wants to be close to God, God would rather close to him. The more a servant wants to be loved God, then God is more interested in love, getting a longing for God, then God is longing to him.
Ladies presence, Allah Subhanahu wata'ala Supreme Gave before we ask. So do not despair with the goodness of God. Maybe we asked for this and it's intent but not God grant me, but remember the millions or even trillions of intent we have God given without us asking. Needs that much has been given to us as sitting, moving, eating, drinking, and other sebagianya all of which was given to us without us asking. He (Allah) Most Giving since long before we knew him and will continue to give to us God's death was ready to continue to give if we so desire. The world God gives grace to believers and non-believers, who sinned and innocent, righteous and who are not righteous, all overflowing with mercy and compassion of God and enjoyment, and God is ready to give lasting pleasure for those who believe. Hopefully me and you belong in their group, amen amen cor.
Attendees presence glorified God
Therefore we must multiply the recollection of God, calling on the name of Allah Subhanahu wata'ala.
And lastly I want to say is that often to report on the frauds that occurred in Jakarta, reports that up to me on a frequent supply of food such as pork kikil to restaurants and other fields, (unbeknownst to the owner of the restaurant) then be careful of this. If there are people who see the report to the authorities, do not say anything. Pity those who buy food and have guessed it turns haram halal food, filled with things that are not condoned by God.
So if anyone knows immediately report it to the authorities in order to be implemented immediately, because it is not good and is a fraud. And those who report will get the reward, because so many people are deceived who want to buy kosher food without realizing he turns eating pork, then how much sin if we just stay quiet.
The presence of the audience, the second is my appeal to wear a helmet for motorcyclists, because our heads are the leaders of all our lives. If we head disease or concussion, it is no longer able to think, can no longer remember the dhikr of Allah, no longer able to call upon the name of God.
If (wal'iyadzubillah / pd God our refuge should not happen) whole body paralyzed but mind we still functioning, then we will still be able to invoke the name of God with our hearts, still can draw near to God. So our head is the most important members of all members of this body, then we must guard it very well. If the ancients may not need to wear a helmet because the vehicle passes slowly, the motor goes slowly, but today is different and very dangerous, and the head is a tool for us near to God it should be maintained. And also to bring the good name of the lovers of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam, we become a role model for others, do not we memanut but we are a role model, memanut indeed a good thing, but even better if we become a role model. That is all that I can say.
Attendees presence glorified God
Before dhikr further inside and closing prayer, we invoke a little speech from Fadhilah As Sayyid Al-Habib Muhammad bin Ali bin Husayn al Ethiopia, he is the grandson of Al Habib Ali bin Mohammed Al Ethiopia Sahib Simtuddurar,
Guide the servants of God to the sublime, to the kedamianan road, the road to happiness, to the glory of the world and akhirah, fortunately the followers of Sayyidina Muhammad, fortunately for lovers of Sayyidina Muhammad, the advantage of bershalawat to Sayyidina Muhammad, the advantage of missed Sayyidina Muhammad sallallaahu ' alaihi wasallam.
And your presence in this great assembly one proof that I and you are in a group of lovers of Sayyidina Muhammad, may we have gathered by God into groups prophet lovers in the world, which is to make sure our wills also gathered together Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam in Yaumul Qiyama, amen.
Attendees presence glorified God
Sublime secret that ditumpahruahkan by God throughout our lives who wishes to offer for every breath into diamonds that bring nobleness in the future and on the following day in the life of the world, barzakh and akhirah, that's the meaning of the resurrection of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam, sec- tors as the word of God Subhanahu wata'ala:
وما أرسلناك إلا رحمة للعالمين
(الأنبياء: 107)
"Nor have we sent thee (Muhammad) but (to) be a mercy to the worlds" (QS. Al Anbiya: 107)
All his guidance, all his guidance, all his words are pearls of happiness the world and akhirah. May God always menerangiku and you the world and akhirah sublime light, the light of the world and akhirah happiness, O supreme happiness and akhirah world. Allah Subhanahu wata'ala ordered so many orders, and prohibit so many restrictions, but even though Allah Subhanahu wata'ala have the nature of anger and hatred against sin but God also has the nature of love, who still love and care for sinners so overwhelmed forgiveness , as his word:
"The heavens almost rupture of adjoining it, and the angels hymn the praise of his Lord and ask forgiveness for those who are on earth. Remember, that Allah! He is the Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful". (QS. As Syuuraa: 5)
Rosary angel, praising God and pleaded for the inhabitants of the earth from the sky almost solve the enormity of the rosary and a request for forgiveness angel inhabitants of the earth. Who ordered the angels to do so? He is God ..!
Why does God proclaim to us ?, God wants to give us an understanding, "this is my tenderness and my affection for the inhabitants of the earth are much sin", even the angels in the skies rumbled ask forgiveness for their sins. This is the love of God for sinners, then what about those who love God?!.
Ladies presence, how jarring angels pray for them?
Allah Subhanahu wata'ala says:
إن الذين قالوا ربنا الله ثم استقاموا تتنزل عليهم الملائكة ألا تخافوا ولا تحزنوا وأبشروا بالجنة التي كنتم توعدون
(فصلت: 30)
"As for those who say:" Our Lord is Allah, "and then they confirm their establishment, then the angels will descend upon them (saying):" Do not be afraid and do not feel sad; and ye rejoice with (gain) heaven that God had promised to you. "(QS. Fusshilat: 30)
Those who say: "Our Lord is God indeed, then beristiqamah", what it istiqamah? That is trying his best to stay away from things that are forbidden by Allah and try his best to do things that are ruled by God. Efforts to achieve constancy and steadfastness are getting reward constancy. Someone attempt to achieve constancy then he has to get the reward nobility, because one's intention was to get the reward, and if he does then the reward is doubled from 10 to 700 times. So berniatlah us all to be People of constancy is a person who always stay away from things that are forbidden of God and always do things that are favored by God, it is an open secret that the more abundant divine tenderness, get rid of all the difficulties and disasters and made us as if will be in heaven before it gets to heaven, because God spoiling us with glory and peace in this world, so the state of the people who loved God.
Ladies presence, happiness the world and hopefully akhirah terlimpah to us and deprived of the fire of hell.
Allah Subhanahu wata'ala says:
قد أفلح من تزكى, وذكر اسم ربه فصلى, بل تؤثرون الحياة الدنيا, والآخرة خير وأبقى, إن هذا لفي الصحف الأولى, صحف إبراهيم وموسى
(الأعلى: 14-19)
"Successful indeed are those who cleanse themselves (by faith), and he dhikr remember the name of his Lord, then he prayed, but (among) you choose the worldly life, while the Hereafter is better and more lasting, this actually really contained in the book or books that first, (ie) the books of Abraham and Moses ". (QS. Al A'laa: 14-19)
It's lucky they were willing to purify himself, want to try to climb the stairs of the nobility, from darkness into bright light, from sin toward repentance, forgiveness of guilt towards, from humiliation to the sublime, from the nobility leading to a more sublime. Stairs nobility available to us is every breath we open the opportunity, the Seer wait we repent and seek forgiveness, waiting for our worship and ready to bestow glory and grace for us, O God.
Attendees presence glorified God
The Word of God: "It's lucky people who purify themselves and a lot of dhikr mention the name of Allah and praying" .Allah Supreme Tau that we may not always dhikr for 24 hours, but at least our days more dhikr, today a lot of dhikr the next day even more dhikr although only increases one more mention the name of God in every day, then he has semkain close each day to God. However, the majority of humans would choose worldly than keukhrawian, leaving God and akhirah leads to temporal things and leave to worship God, no longer worship God, no longer care about the creator, even preferring the life of his world, even though it is more akhirah life good and lasting.
The audience's presence, of course, does not mean we are not to look for the world's wealth, property and anything that is in our lives. However, the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam world and bring happiness akhirah of Allah Subhanahu wata'ala, teaches us how wonderful it is to achieve the sublime in the world and akhirah, Apostle sallallaahu' alaihi wasallam said: "Whoever works and he intend to support orphans and the poor, it is as if he is the one who strive in the afternoon, and evening prayer throughout the night, or as people who fast during the day and night prayer throughout the night "(Sahih Bukhari). it is for those who have the intention to help the fuqara 'and dhu'afaa and children orphaned, so noble though they work in an office or in the store, as employees or whatever, which in his work that appears is ghaflah ( negligence) and worldliness, but they could have it before God are those who during the day as the Ahl-ul-Jihad (the Mujahideen) and in the evening is a person who always did qiyamul Lail, because he wants to care for fuqara 'and dhu'afaa. How wonderful guidance of the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam. Left nor have always saved her life except nobility.
The audience's presence, God's Word: "Akhirah better and more lasting", the life of this world is only a few tens of years. Noah peace be upon him described in the books of commentary that he was preaching for 950 years, not age. As for age, the scholars' different opinions in this case some say age 2000 years, some say 1500 years, according to the interpretation of Al Imam Qurtubi and others. However, if we think about how his old age was 1500 years, how he passed the days are filled with anything that should he pass on the pleasure or misfortune, then what we were only 60 or 70 years or more, and a few were reaching up to 100 years. It's a very short life and then vanished and then to God, then there is eternal life. If death if we just be ground just then finished our business, but it is not so, we would live forever not like animals and plants that will disappear and transitory, we will live trillions of years later, either in disgrace or in majesty. So lucky lovers Sayyidina Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam.
Attendees presence glorified God
Allah Subhanahu wata'ala says:
كل نفس بما كسبت رهينة, إلا أصحاب اليمين, في جنات يتساءلون, عن المجرمين, ما سلككم في سقر, قالوا لم نك من المصلين, ولم نك نطعم المسكين, وكنا نخوض مع الخائضين, وكنا نكذب بيوم الدين, حتى أتانا اليقين, فما تنفعهم شفاعة الشافعين, فما لهم عن التذكرة معرضين
(المدثر: 38-47)
"Each mortgaged for what he had done, except the right class, is in the surge and they asked each other about the (state) innocent people," What do you incorporate into Saqar (hell)? "They said:" We were not of those who do pray, and we do not (also) feed the poor, and are we talking about a false along with people who talk about it, and we deny the Day of Judgment, to come to our death ". So no longer useful to their intercession of those who intercede, then why do they turn away from (Allah)?". (QS. Al Muddatssir: 38-47)
Ladies presence, all men in that day mortgaged by his sins, already exhausted the whole pleasure and they can not pay plus a multitude of sins, soul mortgaged by his deeds, deeds might forget to be thankful and Meekly sinful deeds forget to diistighfari, it make them mortgaged and had to atone for the sins and guilt, except noble groups, they are not safe mortgaged his soul, his neck was not bound by his deeds, they are in eternal tranquility in heaven, they never get sick, or trials, insults and other problems, no more sadness, no more difficult, there is no longer any problem.
And when they asked the residents of hell, saying: "O inhabitants of hell why did you get into this hell, what one of you?" , Residents of hell said, "when we were in the first world, we do not want to pray, nor feed the poor, and we always get together with a group that is always sin day and night until we died". Then Allah says: "never will be useful again intercession of intercessors", because they died in a state that leave God, they seclude God, they mentalak three God to no longer want to go back to God all his life until he died. Why did they turn away from? when there is an earthquake, a flood, there is a disaster, no pleasure, no excitement, no ease, no trouble, no day and night, no plants, no animals, all of which are the epitome of the existence of Allah Subhanahu wata'ala and essentially as a warning . Allah Subhanahu wata'ala says:
وما تشاءون إلا أن يشاء الله رب العالمين
(التكوير: 29)
"And you can not want (the way of it) except where the will of God. The Lord of hosts." (QS. At takwir: 29)
Present at this dhikr assemblies also with the permission of Allah. So, if someone intends to do good, then God will help him to do good. Allah Subhanahu wata'ala help him do the glory of Allah Subhanahu wata'ala helped to assemblies dhikr, Allah Subhanahu wata'ala who helped him to get into remission.
Attendees presence glorified God
Allah Subhanahu wata'ala also said:
وما يذكرون إلا أن يشاء الله هو أهل التقوى وأهل المغفرة
(المدثر: 56)
"And they're not going to take heed thereof except (if) God wills it. He (God) is God Who should (we) fear of him and has the right to grant mercy". (QS. Al Muddatssir: 56)
He is the Almighty Allah Subhanahu wata'ala piety and He is the Gave, and the Most have forgiveness and Maha gave him, then ask piety and forgiveness to God because only God's owner, because the owner of the world and akhirah is God, the happiness of the world and belongs akhirah His, our bodies belong to Him, we are not created it himself nor buy our bodies.
Attendees presence glorified God
This leads us to this noble hadith, in which the Apostle sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam said:
غدوة في سبيل الله أو روحة خير من الدنيا وما فيها ولقاب قوس أحدكم أو موضع قدم من الجنة خير من الدنيا وما فيها ولو أن امرأة من نساء أهل الجنة اطلعت إلى الأرض لأضاءت ما بينهما ولملأت ما بينهما ريحا ولنصيفها يعني الخمار خير من الدنيا وما فيها
(رواه البخاري)
The release of a person in the early morning or late afternoon to the way that God approves it is more valuable than the world and everything in it, that is what ?, is like someone who came out in the morning or afternoon or whenever to have good intentions, if he went to school berniatlah a good example to get the pleasure of his mother's father, to be a useful and so forth, filled with noble intentions. If it works, berniatlah with such good intentions to provide for his family, to provide for the poor and fuqara 'or with noble intentions of others, the intention and the steps that are worth more than the world and everything in it, meaning he succeeded or not at work or school then he has gained a greater reward than the world and everything in it. Thus the beauty of the steps in the nobility. We step into this place also is an abundance of grace of Allah Subhanahu wata'ala, may Allah Subhanahu wata'ala mercy and happiness to us all, amen.
Attendees presence glorified God,
Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam continue his saying: That the arrows and footrest equipment (which is used when riding a horse) that is in heaven was more valuable than the world and everything in it. And the Apostle also explained that men and women later in heaven so adorned by God, to the point that if they demonstrated little to the inhabitants of the earth, undoubtedly bercahayalah entire sky and earth with their light, and their scent will fill heaven and earth. Al Imam Ibn Hajar in Fath al Asqalany bisyarah Bari Sharh Saheeh al-Bukhari and narrated this hadith from other history, that women mu'minat who go to heaven, if ever they were expelled from heaven and on earth is shown, then all light The heavens and earth will disappear with their light, will no longer be visible sun and the moon as it is covered by them from the bright light of brilliance, even Al Imam Ibn Hajar also explained: that if if they reveal little calf then the entire population of the earth will be fitnah because beautiful women in heaven someday.
So, brothers and sisters kumuliakan, perhaps in the world is that there are not beautiful beautiful, no defects there are no defects, but someday in heaven all in a state of good-looking men and women in a beautiful state.
A frequently asked question that is painful to us and also to me, that Islam is a religion that hiperseks because in heaven someday be married to 40 nymphs. Al Imam Ibn Hajar Al Asqalany explained in Fath al Bari that the intent of the phrase "tazwiij" does not mean to be married but the intention is maintained and serviced by 40 nymphs, but women are much more beautiful than heaven, an angel of heaven, because it is the servant angel. And there is also a man who serves the women in heaven as maidens, but still men in heaven far more embellished by Allah Subhanahu wata'ala.
So, sisters, know maybe when the world if it does not wear make-up may be less beautiful. But for the life you have to prepare for the future make-up to beautify your face, do not get face-face dark future because sin then wear makeup that will be a lasting makeup is water ablution, prostration, dhikr, and blessings to Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam which it will make your face bright in heaven. The audience's presence, even a veil of a woman who is in heaven is far more valuable than the world and everything in it. Thus the beauty of those who want to draw close to God, would fix itself, would introspective on the situation. Genius owner called us, the Supreme Virtue offers sublime, the Supreme Owner happiness offer happiness for those who want to call Him, to those who will receive Him.
Attendees presence glorified God
Frequently asked Allah's pleasure, frequently asking for the love of God, often to ask forgiveness of God, often to ask for God's desire, for what? Since the day and night we always ask this intent and that, lest God jealous "When My servants ask my affection ?, when My servants ask closeness with me, when my servants ask my love, when the servant mine wants to be loved by me ", do not ever occurred to ask ?! Do not minded when a sinner like me, impossible I dare ask Allah Subhanahu wata'ala love, remember that Allah Subhanahu wata'ala has said in the hadith qudsy:
وإن تقرب إلي بشبر تقربت إليه ذراعا وإن تقرب إلي ذراعا تقربت إليه باعا وإن أتاني يمشي أتيته هرولة
"If he (the servant) inch closer to me, I approached him even one hour. If he came to me one cubit, I approached to-fathom him. If he came to me to ask the run (normal), then I came to run fast"
That is what ?, instead of closeness with distance but closeness ruhiah, then the slave wants to be close to God, God would rather close to him. The more a servant wants to be loved God, then God is more interested in love, getting a longing for God, then God is longing to him.
Ladies presence, Allah Subhanahu wata'ala Supreme Gave before we ask. So do not despair with the goodness of God. Maybe we asked for this and it's intent but not God grant me, but remember the millions or even trillions of intent we have God given without us asking. Needs that much has been given to us as sitting, moving, eating, drinking, and other sebagianya all of which was given to us without us asking. He (Allah) Most Giving since long before we knew him and will continue to give to us God's death was ready to continue to give if we so desire. The world God gives grace to believers and non-believers, who sinned and innocent, righteous and who are not righteous, all overflowing with mercy and compassion of God and enjoyment, and God is ready to give lasting pleasure for those who believe. Hopefully me and you belong in their group, amen amen cor.
Attendees presence glorified God
Therefore we must multiply the recollection of God, calling on the name of Allah Subhanahu wata'ala.
And lastly I want to say is that often to report on the frauds that occurred in Jakarta, reports that up to me on a frequent supply of food such as pork kikil to restaurants and other fields, (unbeknownst to the owner of the restaurant) then be careful of this. If there are people who see the report to the authorities, do not say anything. Pity those who buy food and have guessed it turns haram halal food, filled with things that are not condoned by God.
So if anyone knows immediately report it to the authorities in order to be implemented immediately, because it is not good and is a fraud. And those who report will get the reward, because so many people are deceived who want to buy kosher food without realizing he turns eating pork, then how much sin if we just stay quiet.
The presence of the audience, the second is my appeal to wear a helmet for motorcyclists, because our heads are the leaders of all our lives. If we head disease or concussion, it is no longer able to think, can no longer remember the dhikr of Allah, no longer able to call upon the name of God.
If (wal'iyadzubillah / pd God our refuge should not happen) whole body paralyzed but mind we still functioning, then we will still be able to invoke the name of God with our hearts, still can draw near to God. So our head is the most important members of all members of this body, then we must guard it very well. If the ancients may not need to wear a helmet because the vehicle passes slowly, the motor goes slowly, but today is different and very dangerous, and the head is a tool for us near to God it should be maintained. And also to bring the good name of the lovers of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam, we become a role model for others, do not we memanut but we are a role model, memanut indeed a good thing, but even better if we become a role model. That is all that I can say.
Attendees presence glorified God
Before dhikr further inside and closing prayer, we invoke a little speech from Fadhilah As Sayyid Al-Habib Muhammad bin Ali bin Husayn al Ethiopia, he is the grandson of Al Habib Ali bin Mohammed Al Ethiopia Sahib Simtuddurar,
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