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The Sixth Of Faith

belief in Qadar

belief in Qadar is the sixth pillar of the pillars of Islam, and no one's perfect faith except him. In Shoheh Muslim (8) of Ibn Umar radhiallahu'anhuma, has until the news to him that some people deny about Qadr, then he said: "If you meet with them, please be informed that I am innocent of them and they distanced themselves from me . And the vow was Abdullah ibn Umar. In the event that one of them has the golden mountain of Uhud then diinfakkan, will not be accepted infaknya before they are faithful to Qadar.

Know, that the belief in Qadar is not valid until the faithful with four levels of Qadr, namely:

Faith that God terpeinci Knowing everything, from the first and terkakhir. There is nothing hidden in the heavens and on earth Faith that God recorded everything in Lawh Mahfouz before creating the heavens and the earth for fifty years. Faithful to the wishes of God and His power was definitely done perfect. Nothing in nature is good or kejelakan except with Allah Subhanahu wata'ala Faithful desire that all things are God's creatures. He is the Creator and the creature and the Creator of nature perebuatannya. As the Word of God: "(Which has the properties that) Such is Allah, your Lord; there is no god but He; Creator of all things, so worship Him; He is responsible for everything ".
Among the prevalence of legitimate faith in Qadar, let your faith that a servant has the desire and choice. With it could conduct its activities, as Allah says: "(It is) for those of you who want to take the straight path". At-takwir: 28, His Word: "(God) does not burden a soul except the limited ability". Al-Baqarah: 286.

Indeed, the desire and ability of a servant is not out of the ability and desire of God - He who gives it and make him able to pick and choose. As Allah says: "And you can not want (the way of it) except where the will of God, the Lord of hosts". And indeed Qadar is the secret of God to His creatures. What-what God tells us, we can know and trust. And what is not known, we accept and believe. Without God we argue against Job and His wisdom and His perfect. And we should not ask for what he had done, his laws with reasonable minds we are short-sighted and understanding we are weak, we even believe in God's perfect justice and His holiness.

Here's belief Salah global Salaf in this great chapter, and we will mention the following details in part what was mentioned earlier among the problems. We ask God for help, and the truth, we say:

First: From the language of meaning Qadha 'and Qadar

From the language of Qadha 'is pressed something and perfecting affairs while Qadar is decisive

Second: From the syareat meaning Qadha 'and Qadar

Qadar of Allah Ta'ala is the determination of the things from the past, and his science are known to occur at certain times, with certain properties. And His provision in accordance with his wishes and occurrence as defined him. And His creation in His creatures.

Third: is there a difference between Qadha 'and Qadar?

Some scholars' there are distinguishing between the two terms. However, the closer is no difference between Qadha 'and Qadar of the means. One word indicates another meaning of the word. Since there is no proof of the Book (Qur'an) and hadith that distinguishes between them. And there is agreement that may use one word for another word. With a note that said Qadar more known and used in the Qur'an and Sunnah which indicates the necessity of faith against the pillars of this faith. Wallahu'alam

Fourth: The position of the religious faith of the Qadar

Belief in Qadar is one among the six pillars of faith, which has been mentioned in the words of the Prophet sallallahu'alahi wasallam when Gabriel asked him about faith: "You believe in Allah, His angels, His books, apostles His apostles, and faithful to the end of the day Qadha 'and Qadar both good and bad. HR.Muslim. In the Qur'an also mentioned about Qadar as in his words: "Verily We created everything according to size". Al-Qamar: 49 and the other word: "And Allah's command a determination that certainly applies". Al-Ahzab: 38.

Fifth: Levels of Faith against Qadar

Know, O brother may God give taufiq to you. That faith with Qadar will not be perfect until four tinggkatan believe the following:

1. Depth of knowledge, which is faith that God's knowledge covers everything, no hidden iota of anything that is in heaven and on earth. And God knows all His creatures before it is created. Knowing what they are doing with His knowledge of yesteryear. Proposition about it a lot, among other things, the word of God: "He is Allah there is no god but Him, the Knower of the unseen and the real, He is the Most Gracious, Most Merciful". Al-Hashr: 22. Another Word: "Verily Allah has power over all things, and that Allah His knowledge really covers everything". At-Thalaq: 12

2. Depth Writing / Determine (kitabah) is convinced that God has written the provisions of all creatures in the Lawh Makhfudz. Proposition of it is, the word of God: "Do you not know that Allah knows what is in the heavens and in the earth ?; such that it is contained in a book (Lawh Mahfuz). Verily it is easy for Allah ", Al-Hajj: 70 Word of the Prophet sallallahu'alaihi wasallam:" God has written all the provisions of the creature before creating the heavens and the earth fifty thousand years ". HR. Muslim, no: 2653

3. Depth Irodah (Desire) and Masyi'ah (Wants), namely the belief that everything that happens in nature is the will of Allah Ta'ala. Nothing is out of his desire at all well. What is desired is definitely happening and what is not desired will not happen. The evidence for the word of God: "And do not you ever say about something:" I am going to do this tomorrow morning, except (to call): "God willing". Al-Kahf: 23 -24. and other verse: "And you can not want (the path it) except where the will of God, the Lord of hosts". At-Yakwir: 29.

4. Tinggakatan created (Al-Kholqu), namely Convictions that God is the Creator of everything including the work of His servants. Nothing happens in this universe except God is the Creator. The evidence for the Word of God: "God created all things and He maintains everything. ". Az-Zumar: 62 and another verse: "When Allah hath created you and what you do it". As-Sofaat: 96

And the word of the Prophet sallallahu'alaihi wasallam: "Allah created all the makers and pekerjaannnya" narrated by Bukhari in the chapter Creating behavior servants (25) and Ibn Abi 'Asyim in the Sunnah (358, 257) and diShohehkan by Sheikh Al-Bany in Shohehnya book (1637)

Shaykh Ibn Sa'di rahimahullah said: "Allah sebagaiamana has created man, He also created what they would do, from the ability and desire. Then they (humans) will perform a variety of jobs. From obedience and disobedience to kukuatan and wish each -masing which the two properties (strength and desire) is a creation of God. (Ad-Duratul Al-Bahiyyah Syakh AL-Qasidah At-Taiyah case: 18)

Warning use reasonable minds in trouble Qadar

Belief in Qadar is true faith in Allah Subhanahu wata'ala the right way. Which is the stronger man to know his God, and what is related to the knowledge of an honest belief in God. And what is obligatory upon him his related properties are perfect. Because a lot of problems Qadar kinds of questions for people who let their minds alone. And many differences seputara Qadar problem. Widespread discussion, disputes relating to ta'wil verses of the Qur'an that mention problems Qadar. Even the enemies of Islam every time memprofokasi Aqeedah Muslim community in discussing the issue of Power. Deploying doubtful to shake the true faith and strong convictions except those who really know the names and attributes of Allah nan mulya, surrender completely to God, a quiet soul, his trust in God. It is no doubt at all. This shows the importance of belief in Qadar among other tenets of faith. And the reason can not be independent to know Qadr, because the secret Qadar of Allah to His creatures. What does God tell us through the oral His Messenger, then we can know it, justify it and believing it. And what silenced him then we will have faith his perfect justice and hikmanya to all beings. He was not asked what he did while they (humans) will be asked (what it does). Walllahu a'lam wasallallahu 'ala' abdihi nabiyyihi Muhammad wa wa a'la 'alihi wasohbih

Please see the following references:

A'lamus Sunnah Al-Mansyuroh case: 147, Al-Qadha 'wal Qadar fi Dhauil Book Was essay Sunnah Shaykh Dr. Abdurrahman Al-Mahmoud and Al-Iman Num Qadha 'wal Qadar essay Syek Muhammad Al-Hamd


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