dhikr to Allah Together with Nature
Allah created the universe, created the earth with biodiversity. Allah created the hills and mountains, creating trees that have varying types; smooth-skinned, rough, prickly, colorful with all forms and taste its fruits. Each other has differences, there are similar but not identical; sweet, bitter, sour, ketir, and others. Earth is also decorated with large streams and rivers are small stake, in many varieties twists, the length and breadth, airnyapun have much content. Mountains-strapping upright stake, there is an active volcano that does not exist.
Sea stretching high above the earth sometimes higher sea in an area of land as is the case in some areas. Although both salty clearly different, oceans and land dwellers are also diverse. All is not limited to the natural landscape decoration, but also to ponder and think. Because the knowledge of God which is given to the different creatures and have different virtues. The question is how far we can reach knowledge that exist in each created by God. We are only able to say Subhan Allah.
Moreover, we want to see further AAU further understand what is in the bowels of the earth. In the visible we can not see where in (peut earth) there are troughs, small mountains artifacts inside pockets of gas, oil and other natural resources. With ilmullah (knowledge of God which is given to humans) and got the ability with which we can uncover what is in the bowels of the earth, even we can take, such as oil, iron ore, copper, brass, gold, silver and precious stones smell.
And how the role of volcanoes bersumberkan of the kilometers that connects the mainland to the sea. And can suck sea water through the layers of the earth are very neatly maintained by the volcano is producing fresh water, sulfur, iron content of those that produce enough mud has a salt content as in Purwodadi. Nothing wrong with it an added value for income residents around.
Again I say Subhan Allah (Glory to God).
However, we understand and believe in addition to the All-in segalasifatNya and no partner for Him, besides he is a creature, where any shortcomings. Consciously or not.
We all (animate or not) is working to reduce any shortcomings, trees with roots trying to support herself as well as other creatures besides ppepohonan. And a lot among each other related in life. When we want to find a conditioning heat -semisal when we amidst pesawahan- seek shade as rindag trees and dense leaves and branches, lots of leafy branches and leaves.
With our footsteps, we would not want to voluntarily come to the tree. Similarly, the teduhi tree we want to take shelter (protection) in humans; diramut wanted, nurtured and watered. However, if the earth is becoming the designer among each other. For example humans, trees or other living things require a menu that is sufficient to meet the needs of nutritional intake.
We rarely or even not aware of each other circumstances require it, because the error of it will add to the fragility of the earth. And open the pores of the absorption of a more closed so that the filter is in the body of the earth not able to anticipate.
Then the effect is plants or ecosystems that exist on it will be damaged, not unlike when the ozone layer has been damaged then it will cause a leak ozone plant will cause abnormal heat. From the result of the increased attractiveness of the sun to be higher lau water besides the faster melting of icebergs in the polar.
So for mengantsipasi sepaya absorption earth to sea water should be maintained cleanliness Panai-shore. Cleanliness beach of trash will help the growth of grains of earth and will cause the earth is getting healthier.
Neither rainfall more than a matter of drought or rainy season. By keeping the earth from any dirt or waste, will be very helpful, trees and neutralize leaves absorption of ultraviolet influence. Then included in batiniyyah initiative is to develop a remembrance and prayer beads by means of reforestation or reforestation earth. Because each plant, especially the foliage read the rosary to God. The rosary is the cause of God's grace and fall to the environment in which the tree or plant is located.
From that which glorifies not only the trees, gravel, sand, all glorify Allah.
I took the narratives of Ibn Abbas agreed validity. Editors Hadith thus:
أنه مر بقبرين يعذبان فقال: إنهما ليعذبان وما يعذبان في كبير أما أحدهما فكان لا يستتر من البول وأما الآخر فكان يمشي بالنميمة ثم أخذ جريدة رطبة فشقها نصفين ثم غرز في كل قبر واحدة فقالوا: يا رسول الله لم صنعت هذا? فقال: لعله يخفف عنهما ما لم ييبسا.
متفق عليه رواه البخاري ومسلم وغيرهما
when the king of the Prophet Muhammad passed the cemetery grave of the Prophet heard the two occupants were crying, then the Prophet slashing palm sheath, sheath was then ditancapkanoleh the tomb of the Prophet on the tomb. Then the cry in the silent tomb. Ask friends; 'What does this mean dipusara plugged the palm sheath. He replied; 'While iu yet dried palm sheath, sheath redundantly read the rosary to God. Of cause beads, lowering grace of Allah '.
So because prayer beads and leaves the existing sheath on the sheath in the graves of people who have got the blessings of Allah, there is no greatest calamity for every human being, before the wilderness makhsar besides adzab grave.
Of because the leaves can ease the torment of the grave, it makes me wonder, Subhan Allah!
We return to us if you want to engage in meditation; if the greening of the shore and began to try to understand what strings exist in the tree, God willing, we will be kept away from all the trials, especially Hereafter later. But to the inevitable and undeniable fields to the hereafter is in this world. It turns out that require mental hygiene, not man alone, but includes also the earth, and the ecosystems on it.
Sea stretching high above the earth sometimes higher sea in an area of land as is the case in some areas. Although both salty clearly different, oceans and land dwellers are also diverse. All is not limited to the natural landscape decoration, but also to ponder and think. Because the knowledge of God which is given to the different creatures and have different virtues. The question is how far we can reach knowledge that exist in each created by God. We are only able to say Subhan Allah.
Moreover, we want to see further AAU further understand what is in the bowels of the earth. In the visible we can not see where in (peut earth) there are troughs, small mountains artifacts inside pockets of gas, oil and other natural resources. With ilmullah (knowledge of God which is given to humans) and got the ability with which we can uncover what is in the bowels of the earth, even we can take, such as oil, iron ore, copper, brass, gold, silver and precious stones smell.
And how the role of volcanoes bersumberkan of the kilometers that connects the mainland to the sea. And can suck sea water through the layers of the earth are very neatly maintained by the volcano is producing fresh water, sulfur, iron content of those that produce enough mud has a salt content as in Purwodadi. Nothing wrong with it an added value for income residents around.
Again I say Subhan Allah (Glory to God).
However, we understand and believe in addition to the All-in segalasifatNya and no partner for Him, besides he is a creature, where any shortcomings. Consciously or not.
We all (animate or not) is working to reduce any shortcomings, trees with roots trying to support herself as well as other creatures besides ppepohonan. And a lot among each other related in life. When we want to find a conditioning heat -semisal when we amidst pesawahan- seek shade as rindag trees and dense leaves and branches, lots of leafy branches and leaves.
With our footsteps, we would not want to voluntarily come to the tree. Similarly, the teduhi tree we want to take shelter (protection) in humans; diramut wanted, nurtured and watered. However, if the earth is becoming the designer among each other. For example humans, trees or other living things require a menu that is sufficient to meet the needs of nutritional intake.
We rarely or even not aware of each other circumstances require it, because the error of it will add to the fragility of the earth. And open the pores of the absorption of a more closed so that the filter is in the body of the earth not able to anticipate.
Then the effect is plants or ecosystems that exist on it will be damaged, not unlike when the ozone layer has been damaged then it will cause a leak ozone plant will cause abnormal heat. From the result of the increased attractiveness of the sun to be higher lau water besides the faster melting of icebergs in the polar.
So for mengantsipasi sepaya absorption earth to sea water should be maintained cleanliness Panai-shore. Cleanliness beach of trash will help the growth of grains of earth and will cause the earth is getting healthier.
Neither rainfall more than a matter of drought or rainy season. By keeping the earth from any dirt or waste, will be very helpful, trees and neutralize leaves absorption of ultraviolet influence. Then included in batiniyyah initiative is to develop a remembrance and prayer beads by means of reforestation or reforestation earth. Because each plant, especially the foliage read the rosary to God. The rosary is the cause of God's grace and fall to the environment in which the tree or plant is located.
From that which glorifies not only the trees, gravel, sand, all glorify Allah.
I took the narratives of Ibn Abbas agreed validity. Editors Hadith thus:
أنه مر بقبرين يعذبان فقال: إنهما ليعذبان وما يعذبان في كبير أما أحدهما فكان لا يستتر من البول وأما الآخر فكان يمشي بالنميمة ثم أخذ جريدة رطبة فشقها نصفين ثم غرز في كل قبر واحدة فقالوا: يا رسول الله لم صنعت هذا? فقال: لعله يخفف عنهما ما لم ييبسا.
متفق عليه رواه البخاري ومسلم وغيرهما
when the king of the Prophet Muhammad passed the cemetery grave of the Prophet heard the two occupants were crying, then the Prophet slashing palm sheath, sheath was then ditancapkanoleh the tomb of the Prophet on the tomb. Then the cry in the silent tomb. Ask friends; 'What does this mean dipusara plugged the palm sheath. He replied; 'While iu yet dried palm sheath, sheath redundantly read the rosary to God. Of cause beads, lowering grace of Allah '.
So because prayer beads and leaves the existing sheath on the sheath in the graves of people who have got the blessings of Allah, there is no greatest calamity for every human being, before the wilderness makhsar besides adzab grave.
Of because the leaves can ease the torment of the grave, it makes me wonder, Subhan Allah!
We return to us if you want to engage in meditation; if the greening of the shore and began to try to understand what strings exist in the tree, God willing, we will be kept away from all the trials, especially Hereafter later. But to the inevitable and undeniable fields to the hereafter is in this world. It turns out that require mental hygiene, not man alone, but includes also the earth, and the ecosystems on it.
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