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How close we feel God is with us?

Or actually during this time we will never taste nearby Allah SWT with us? Our own, so far the extent of efforts to draw closer to Him?

Near or far we are with Allah SWT fact not calculated by distance. It is calculated in the form of spiritual and emotional. If we really believe, and we go live in disobedience to Allah SWT and away wrath, we will feel ourselves closer to Allah SWT.

But God to us?

He always close and never get away.

Allah SWT Closer.

In the Qur'an, Allah SWT will describe our closeness with Him.

Alah Almighty says:

"And indeed, We created man, and We know what his soul is (knowledge) We are nearer to him than his jugular vein." Qaf paragraph 16.

Interestingly, when discussing the devil and Satan, the Prophet has stated in his saying this:

  "Surely the devil and Satan, Adam ran in the child's body keeps the vessels (channels) of blood." Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim.

Satan and demons are moving along the blood vessels in our body, but God has declared that He is closer than veins, the blood vessels in our neck. More interesting when we peeled, veins that usually we translate as 'meter lives' us, we often check the condition of the veins to make sure the person is still alive or not, also his state of health, and Allah is closer to us than our own soul !

Closeness of Allah SWT with us to such an extent.

Even Allah SWT often describe this proximity with the verses that He will hear our prayer.

Note the word-word:

"And when My servants ask thee concerning Me, then surely I (Allah) is always near. I answer the prayer of the suppliant when he calls on Me. So let them respond to My call, and believe in Me that they may walk in the right way. "Surah Al-Baqarah verse 186.

"And your Lord says: Call on Me; I will answer your prayer. Those who are too arrogant to serve Me will surely enter Hell in humiliation. "Surah Ghafir paragraph 60.

"Or do you think that you will enter Paradise without up to you (trials) as came to those who passed away before you? They have been overtaken by poverty (destruction of property) and disease, and shaken (by danger from the enemy), so that even the Messenger and those of faith who were with him: When will (come) the help of Allah? Verily, the help of Allah is nigh. "Surah Al-Baqarah verse 214.

That God with us. Always close. Always together. If anyone really know us 100%, it is not our mother, not even the most intimate friends, not even a loaf sleeping wife, but he is God, and God alone.

The no sleep, no sleep, no inattentive and forgetful, and always with us, never leave us for a moment.

Yes. So when we feel God is far from us, exactly who is distancing himself?

Far from God

If we feel that God is distant, in fact it is we who are distancing ourselves with Him.

Consider the human beings who are very cruel and damaging it, the Pharaoh, Nimrod, Abu Jahl, The 'Ad, Thamud, Noah, they are human beings who do a lot of default and damage.

Her love of God, He sent His apostles to make them. He did not continue to punish. He does not hold anger. He sends his messengers, so that the messenger can indicate which ones are good and which are bad.

So it is with us, despite the fact that we are disobedient to Allah, we still disobeyed, God lovingly still connect again every day. Opens a wide opportunity for us to repent. Sometimes He sends us people who deliver a strike, or do we see the advice and teachings, sometimes He tests us a bit so we woke up. Miscellaneous.

The real problem is us.

How we are with God?

That is why my teacher named Samirah Master says: "If you want to know where are you on the side of God, look at where you put God in your hearts."

If we do not artistic by Allah SWT, we melazimi sins, we slowly perfected His commandments, we continually disobeyed, auto indeed we feel far from God.

While God is not actually moving away from us already.

So what should we do?

Should our approaches

Realizing this, shall compile our own efforts to get closer to Allah SWT. Starting pace of change, by adding deeds, deeds and reduce crime.

We began to pray, begging the power of faith, seeking sustenance for charity, seeking istiqomah in improvement efforts.

We started to complain a lot and hope to God of all things, then we get into the habit of remembrance, prayer began our housekeeping.

It is we who have to undertake all that, closing the distance between us and God.

And do we know, the love of God to us?

Note that this hadith:

   "I was against me based on my suspicions. I was with her when she remembrance. When she was in her remembrance, I would also be remembered in me. When he was in a remembrance ceremony, then I will also remember him in a ceremony better than them. When he was within an inch draw near, then I would approach it with a cubit. When he draw near cubit, then I will approach it with the distance fathom. When he comes to me in as usual, then I will come to it in inappropriate circumstances. "Narrated by Bukhari, Muslim, Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah.

So why do we still hesitate and continuous edging away?


Allah the Almighty welcomed us, and it never went away.


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